Someone shat in your coffee this morning Vert?
What gives you the idea that a ramp deck should only play 6+ mana spells? Or only spend the first 3-4 turns producing mana? Your lack of experience and hatred of the archetype is showing.
Doing nothing but ramping and then spending all your mana on one big dumb creature is how ramp decks lose. The Sylvan Advocates, Tireless Trackers, From Beyonds, Vital Force/Gearhulk, etc. have a place too. Notice the trend? These creatures all have relevance post ramp, or because of ramp. Advocate grows, Tracker poops clues and grows while ensuring our gas, From Beyond ramps and fetches, Nissa and Gearhulk are legit win cons. You can slam all these things late game too if the coast is clear to ramp early, and they're still relevant too.
Now.. here's where Rishkars Expertise shines. You blow all your resources ramping, curving or whatever.. and now you're out of gas.. in topdeck mode. You're vulnerable to a Planar Outburst type effect, drawing more land, mana dorks and ramp spells is horrible. So.. you cast this, reload AND play a solid threat. You're either right back in the game, or poised to out resource even the most well-supplied control deck. I've actually cast it and fired off a Planar Outburst a few times now, drawn 4-5 cards.. and been way ahead on resources because of it.
I don't understand how a person who identifies as a blue player, can hate on a spell that draws a ton of cards AND puts a win condition in play at the same time. I think you're just jealous that blue doesn't have anything near as powerful of a draw spell as Rishkar's Expertise.