Okay; my predictions:
A) Good decks that will stay good
1) Vehicles
Vehicles got a bunch of new toys. I believe Sram lessens the need to splash Black for Scrounger greatly enough that we will mostly see RW Vehicles.
Vehicles will have two ways to go. One of them being red-heavy and more aggressive (with the Dreadnought/Modification combo); one of them white-heavy and lenient towards Midrange. Sram and Peacekeeper Colossus fit both of these strategies quite well.
Definitely the material to stay a top-tier deck.
2) Counterspell-based control
The archetype got improvements for some slots, but will generally stay the same. Fatal Push is a strong incentive to go Black, which is why we will see Grixis or Esper versions of this deck predominantly.
Baral's Expertise might be played as additional sweepers, lessening the need for the third colour (though I don't think it can be dropped entirely yet).
The deck might take a hit during the beginning of the format when not all of the archetypes are well-known enough to fine-tune the deck; but we will see more of it further down the season. Still top-tier I think.
3) Burn
Shock at common is a huge boon to all of the Burn players - aggro-, combo- and control-oriented alike.
Aggressive versions will likely be mono-red; these decks also got Kari Zev as well as maybe Invigorated Rampage and Kari's Expertise.
Combo versions will likely be Izzet; Control versions either Izzet or Grixis; very similar to what they look like now. Maybe Baral finds home in one of the decks, more likely the Control shell, but I kinda doubt it.
Overall; serious contender at one of the better decks again.
4) Energy Aggro
One of the most over-hyped decks during KLD IMO; what the deck lacked was consistency. AER kinda fixed this flaw giving the deck some more good options; but I think the deck still feels a tad underpowered.
5) Madness Aggro
Didn't get too many new cards, but the deck might be solid enough that it's still really good despite that.
B) New decks or decks that will have a resurgence
6) Superfriends
They're back for more. AER finally gave Abzan the threat density and the cheap removal it needed to say goodbye to those clunky 4-coloured manabases; and the deck repays with consistency making it the main contender for Superfriends decks. My list has seen limited testing, but it feels very strong; and assuming Sjookwave conceived his list on his own he came to a very similar conclusion (our lists are a whole 2 cards apart). After going dark for a season or two, this could be the deck to beat for AER.
7) Artifacts/Improvise
Solidly in Grixis colours; these decks attempt to use the artifact support and Improvise cards coming from AER.
Technically Izzet Thopters is not a new deck, but it kinda falls into this category and all of the other ideas are new.
Probably the decks with the highest amount of new cards; this makes it really tough to outline a final build for this deck (not even the direction is clear; combo deck with Mechanized Production, midrange with Thopters or Improvise in general or aggro with Thopters or the Vedalken (somewhat in line with what CGB posted)) but it seems to be the consensus that there is a deck; and a good one at that.
8) Revolt
Another deck that uses many new cards; basically the deck wants to play out like Aristocrats and profit using Revolt cards. The deck will play Abzan colours; currently Orzhov and Selesniya are looked at the most. Currently it looks like the deck won't quite get there, but it definitely something we can keep an eye out for.
9) Elves
A driving force during ORI/BFZ, Elves didn't take Jagged-Scar Archers' departure well at all. However, very surprisingly AER brought a ton of support for Elf decks with Narnam Renegade, Druid of the Cowl, Lifecrafter's Bestiary and maybe another card or two. These cards probably won't push Elves towards top-tier, but the deck will be playable again and thank god for that.
C) Other
10) Mill
Being a really good deck during EMN, Mill's biggest problem was that Fevered Visions turned from being helpful towards being a liability in KLD due to the set's more aggressive nature. With the format likely slowing down a bit, Mill might see a slight resurgence; however Burn has proven to be a generally more reliable wincon.
11) Ramp
Druid of the Cowl is definitely a huge boon to ramp decks; as is
Monstrous Onslaught (a more reliable boardclear than Chandra's Ignition). Both of these cards give Ramp a ton of new options; we'll see whether Ramp makes a resurgence. In my mind, it was one of the most underrated decks during KLD; I'd be prepared for it.
12) Humans
If Humans make an occurrence during AER; I'd think Azorius or Boros is the way to go. Azorius got Skyship Pirate, an evasive Human that can pile on +1/+1 counters from Renown/Thalia's Lieutenant/Collective Effort; Boros got Kari. While Selesniya got some support as well, the colour combination was the weakest for Humans IMO and that doesn't look like it's gonna change. I don't think the decks will be top tier, but they won't be a slouch.
13) Bant Tempo
Maybe the deck I'm the most unsure about. On one hand Bant has been good for quite some seasons now and it got some possible new tools (Sram's Expertise comes to mind). On the other hand, this is the deck that has been just not top tier for several seasons, and it didn't get THAT much new stuff. Playable for sure, good yes, top tier I doubt.
Okay, that was a wash.