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Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds
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Author:  KayOhBe [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

Just wondering if anyone has (or wanted to construct) a decklist with over 60 cards for lengthy solo duels - 80, 90, or even 100 card decks preferred, with functioning synergy and purpose. I've been working on one myself (used to play around with larger decks for fun with a group of friends of mine at our playing spot below the clock tower on our university grounds back in the days before Invasion and Darksteel) but haven't quite managed to nail down any solid setups. Any and all help, suggestions, experiments, ideas, goofy combinations etc. are and will be muchly appreciated [:=
Btw, I play on Xbox One as KayOhBe

Author:  divinevert [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds


Author:  Elijin [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

KayOhBe wrote:
for fun

Welcome to the forums KayOhBe, pre-emptive 'I'm sorry' for whats likely to come next from this community.

Author:  KayOhBe [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

Personal games between a friend and I - we sometimes like to sit back and enjoy a long vs each other or 2hg vs PC - nothing extremely serious, just enjoy making ridiculous combos between numerous cards simultaneously
Btw, thanks Elijin! I've been lurking around these parts for quite some time now and finally decided to become known - also, no apology required [:=

Author:  divinevert [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

It's a reasonable request. Arbitrarily hamstringing yourself seems like an odd idea, unless he and his friends just play each other and they all play by the same rules. Otherwise trotting a great 100 deck out to lose to a mediocre or bad 60 card deck just seems frustrating to me.

KayOhBe wrote:
Personal games between a friend and I - we sometimes like to sit back and enjoy a long vs each other or 2hg vs PC - nothing extremely serious, just enjoy making ridiculous combos between numerous cards simultaneously

Well there you go. Asked and answered.

If you are building a big stack, you'll want good stuff and tutors. So Call the Gatewatch, From Beyond, and then planeswalkers and Eldrazi titans, combo'd with sweepers.

Author:  KayOhBe [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

These will not be for use online against other players, just between friends and pc's

Author:  Sir_Shadow [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

Hmm... do we even have enough cards to do psuedo EDH?

Author:  GodOfAtheism [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

I hope we get EDH at some point. A format where rarity restrictions won't matter? K!

Author:  KayOhBe [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

Planechase would be a very welcomed additional game mode were the developers to bring it back from MTG:DotP 2013's grave in my opinion

Author:  Sir_Shadow [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

KayOhBe wrote:
Planechase would be a very welcomed additional game mode were the developers to bring it back from MTG:DotP 2013's grave in my opinion
well, they ARE releasing an Anthology of Planechase later this year, so maybe? I doubt it would happen though, it would take way more work and programming knowledge than Stainless can deal with. It's unfortunately since I personally like Planechase.

Author:  Hello World [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

divinevert wrote:

You want to play some sort of fifteen card infinite combo without drawing too many pieces before hacing stabilized, maybe

Author:  Goblin Rabblemaster [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

Tamiyo's Journal
From Beyond
Pieces of the Puzzle
Brilliant Spectrum
Oath of Jace
Scour the laboratory
Gather the Pack
Crop Sigil
Grapple with the Past
Vessel of Nascency
Eldritch Evolution
Call the Gatewatch
Telling time + fetch
Oath of Nissa

As you can see, this is all I can come up with for deep sifting / tutoring that's worthwhile in Duels. there's alot of other cards that help dig; and a control fatstack with Journal as a wincon may have been the best bet, but beyond Greenwarden of Murasa there is no 'goblin welder' type of effect to get that journal out of your yard onto the field. To me it seems like an exercise in frustration, sorry I can't be of more help.

Author:  KayOhBe [ Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

No apologies required; that's actually quite helpful - I'm now positively teeming with some concepts of which I'll be testing out over the next while. Thank you very muchly fer your input Goblin Rabblemaster

Author:  Black Barney [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

Happy birthday to the only other Newfoundlander we've ever had on here.

Gone, but forever in our hearts

Author:  Hakeem928 [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

You mean I wasn't the only one? I had no idea, my world lies in tatters.

Author:  Black Barney [ Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

I also felt confused by this. Why did we never react to this when he was around?? :(

Author:  Black Barney [ Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

Happy birthday to Kayohbee who got such a warm welcome here from Divinevert! Love it

Author:  sixty4half [ Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

There's a bunch of us Virgo's here.

Author:  Black Barney [ Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Over 9000?! That's impossible! Jumbo Decklist Dumping Grounds

my birthday is on Saturday!

Virgos would be the type to love Magic

Author:  KayOhBe [ Sun Mar 06, 2022 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black Barney & hakeem928

Thanks fer the birthday wishes folks! (Years later)
Revisited this thread fer some good ol long-play 'vs PC' duels.
Thanks fer the help and the kind words everybody! [:=

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