Haven't changed anything on my laptop so guess this is wizards trying to stop me getting the last pack
Yeah I suspect a similar thing...I've only just started playing and am stuck on the first solo battle. Every time I get
anywhere close to winning, the game crashes. Very suspicious...although at least they let me keep my credits instead of deducting 5 every time.
It happens.. reboot the game and move on.
It's not that simple! If my in-game progress was automatically saved after every turn, then sure, I would simply reboot and quit whining about it. But no, I have to restart the game
from scratch every freakin' time! And since I can't play the rest of story mode until I win this battle, and feel too inexperienced to play against you fine folk, I basically just spent $30 AUD for nothing more than a hard drive filler.
This is so annoying (to me, at least) that I signed up to this forum just to complain about it, and hopefully find a possible solution/workaround. Anyone have any advice on how to stop this incredibly aggravating occurence?? MTIA
Buy a high powered automatic rifle, smuggle it onto a plane and fly to whenever stainless' main office is and go on a killing spree.
It won't solve your problem, but you'll feel better afterwards (you'll also have lots of time to enjoy the feeling in prison...).
Then, with all the stainless staff deceased, wizards would have to hire people who actually know how to code and we'll eventually get a fully functional game.
Disclaimer: I did not just incide you to do bodily hard to other human beings, I was trying to be ironic and humorous (you never know, with people on the internet...)