Inevitability is a win condition. If you think Outland Colossus and Kothophed are control cards, you're off your rocker. Winnower is barely playable. Titan is okay. Revenge is playable in a control shell to decide mirror matches but he's absolutely not essential (though he may be in the new meta).
Just because you like midrange more doesn't mean it's "better".
So if someone kills your 2 planeswalkers (one of which you never ultimate), blows up your shadows, nukes your Bellower+Gravedigger.. how do you win? You don't.. you 'inevitably' lose bc you had no other way to win. So.. your deck rolls over to two spells that kill planeswalkers, two removal spells, and one rec sage. It's just not enough wincons for my taste. I don't care what you want to label a 'control card' or a 'midrange card'.. the goal is the same, reduce the opponent's life total to zero. I personally prefer more cards that work towards that goal, than having a bunch of do-little cards.
The problem is that those things never happen. When I lose it's usually because I get hit too hard too fast. If I get to the late game, it's usually an auto-win (except against Tutelage, of course). As far as "do-little" cards, I wonder which ones you're referring to? Your precious Kothophed and Colossus do absolutely nothing if they're removed.
Don't get me started on Liliana. It may not seem flashy, but -2 for a Visionary which you then sac to Evoleap draws two cards for one mana and doesn't occupy a slot in your deck. That's almost an
Ancestral Recall.
I will +2 Liliana when my opponent has cards to discard. When he doesn't, I probably won't. And he usually doesn't.
In case you don't understand what makes the deck good, it's the sheer amount of card advantage that it generates. You don't need a ton of win conditions because the deck is very consistent. Because of rarity restrictions, bad mana, and the generally low power level of the cards in this game, truly consistent decks are tough to find. It may seem like a lot of the cards here don't do anything, but they're just cogs in the machine. It's the sum-total of the parts here that matters.
My build has its weak match ups, just like any deck does, but the decks that prey upon it don't occupy a large space in the metagame so it's not worth building to counter them (IMO).
And as you so eloquently alluded to, playstyle preference will dictate your card choices.
I bet your favorite song is Led Zeppelin's "Trampled Underfoot".