Yeah, Scorch could probably go, but it came in quite useful already. And no, I'm not concerned about Spy Wars, because for as long as that has been a thing it has never happened to me *shrug*. Summoning Circle might be nice for some Derran/Blueboy Lugos shenanigans.
How are you not concerned about spy wars?
Just so we're on the same page, my concept of spy wars is like what happened my last game.
1. I lose the coin flip and don't have a spy or Summoning Circle in hand, but I do have a Wardancer. I dry pass round 1. Opponent plays something and wins the round.
2. In round 2, I mulligan the Wardancer to stop the drypass. Now I'm up a card + 3 points and the onus is on my opponent to catch up.
3. He plays some cards and eventually realizes that he's not going to catch up. So he plays spy. I'd drawn Summoning Circle so I copy his spy. He has Summoning Circle as well. My Summoning Circle drew into my spy, so I play that. Spy wars!!
4. He passes and I go into round 3 up a card.
#3 is really the crux of the issue. If I didn't have spy + Summoning Circle I'm actually at a considerable disadvantage - opponent gets to choose how long to bleed me for, and gets the last play in round 3. But since I'm able to fight the spy war, he ends up going into round 3 down a card, which is a large disadvantage for him. The game's outcome depends extremely crucially on these two cards. During the spy war, these cards are worth more than golds. Spy wars are so silly yet so crucial that I feel like if I'm ever given the breathing room in round 2 + haven't drawn spy / Summoning Circle, I should try to Francesca for Yaevinn.
Anyway if not fighting spy wars I think Summoning Circle isn't a good card. All or nothing - either run Uldaryk + SC, or neither. I'd run both to be honest. You're a weather deck after all, you can play spies into empty rows to minimize the lost points.