I'm not saying that there shouldn't be counterspells, but this other guy is arguing a deck full of them is perfectly fine because you can participate in the game for two turns before he shuts you down entirely. Yeah, no.
Even I will admit mono-Blue counters.dec is one of the most agonizing and boring things to go against. Seeing Horribly Awry, Scatter to the Winds and Spell Shrivel multiple times instantly lets you know it's going to be a free win for you...about turn 30 when they run out of anything to say. However if you're playing a less obnoxious control deck, just concede. They have more counters than you, your removal is dead, and your wincons WILL get out countered.
@Beast: 3 mana to counter PWs in our environment is fine since the only other cards that straight-up do so are:
a) 8 total mana (praise the Solvent!)
b) Dual coloured and cost you 3 life.
c) An enchantment that ramps your opponent.
For control there's just no way around a deck with multiple PWs, other archetypes can make fat tramplers, use burn, or have wide boardstates. It's funny you say "too versitile" when unconditional counters for 3 or less total up to 5 copies in our pool. Otherwise we're spending 4 mana+ for fancy effects. The rest of the counters have conditions that are pretty easy to play around, and if you're worried about "unless the pay X" clauses, taking a leaf out of your book you should play Ramp.
Another argument I see is "you can't expect control to answer everything". I'm pretty sure that's the entire premise of control:
Have an answer for each of the most likely things in your field at the sacrifice of consistency. I'm not asking for more answers to Gaea's and other such nonsense, we have those and they're narrow (as they should be), but I'm pretty sure PWs are a huge factor in games where they appear...and boy do they appear to be popular.