Well, I ended up liking every new change that has been made.
I really like the initial block format. It may easily fall onto powercreep and mirrors, but it's always good to see different players' aptitudes.
Sideboard at this point is a must have. Can't deny I was dumbfounded by seeing some decks going so far onto the tournaments. Having answers at hand can lessen RNG in favor for skil and adaptability.
Overall, with the current card pool, sideboards can provide added value to the event.
The only point I'd like to make is that the Event should become a bit more inclusive and interactive towards new players and the community in general.
Views and attendance may still be low, but I believe that by properly keeping the community updated with the participants and the event itself, we could generate interest.
As an example, the previous
Showdown's frontpage has missed to share all the pairings and results from the Top 8 upwards.
A new user can keep updated only by scouring through the pages, but it's a normal tournament duty to provide a clear and direct understanding about what's going on.
I'd personally like for a proper calendar to be made, and to be shared; participants willing to stream, to post their live ETA and links onto the communities; and maybe have their little Tournament subforum here in NGA, with a personal thread for each one, so they can interact with the community, strategize and show their progress.
Having only one massive thread and few updates won't generate the mass of interest that this tournament could provide.
Instead, spreading the stage onto the actual cogs would highlight each participant's identity; easy interactions with the community can go a long way towards breaking the niche wall.