i never said anything about energy counters. if you read what i said properly you would see that. I am referring to energy as the mana and lands, which is in parentheses right next to it. And that had nothing to do with the vehicles. so you are just taking things out of context and complaining about it.
and you can't compare duels on xbox and ios and such to magic in real life. they are 2 separate things. and cards get banned all the time or restricted in real magic. mainly because there is to big of an effect ont he game as a whole. it happens. and people need to get over it and not always fall back onto "the mechanics" suck.
And i have said it in other threads, not everything made in magic(wheter it is paper or digital) always has 1 on 1 in mind. people do like to play 2 headed giant or planeswalker mode(3 versus 1) and other game styles. So not everything will always have to do with what the current "meta" is. So while people say, oh that card isn't good for 1 on 1, it could be used way better in a different mode.
With ingest, again i never said anything about the meta. i just said in general its not as bad as all make it out to be.
Mist Intruder isn't the card i was referring to but still. For 2 mana, you get a 1 power and 2 toughness, flying(which is considered an evasion ability for the most part) and a built in non activated ability that hurts your opponent and not yourself. That's is not bad at all for 2 mana. It's not the best card in the world, but its not the worst by any means. If you are making a "discard" deck its a great fit to the theme.
As for the copter, it is way cheap for what it does, but it does need a creature on the board to even do anything at all. which is reall easy, but if your opponent is play8ing properly, copter still won't be a huge issue. think it was zzmorg(???) that said the cards that kill it super easy anyways, so still not an issue.
People that are complaining are the ones saying black got hosed because of it. pssst(there are other colors to use instead of black). But usually in every set, in real life or digital, things change and people get mad about it all until there see the ways around it. will happen with this to. I usually don't have any trouble dealing with vehicles for the most part.
EDIT: And if you are facing things like vehicles in the meta, its something you have to deal with. Make another deck that helps deal with it and use it. Most people play 2 colors instead of going mono. throw white in it for its artifact removal(won't matter if its a creature or not unlike the black kill spells that only work on creatures) or green for the [/c]Reclamation Sage[/c], blue to bounce the stupid thing back to an opponents hand. There are plenty of ways around it. And speaking from a duels standpoint, its(the copter) a rare? so no more than 2 of them allowed anyways. Way better than 4 being in a deck.
And since it isn't a creature(its an artifact, that can become one) it also can't be brought back from graveyard by anything that targets a creature there. BUt all in all, there are plenty of ways to deal with the vehicles.