can be. Well played cube deck built by Magic Master.
SquiderDragon 0 v Magic Master 2
Game 1
I had a good hand though deck a little slow. Noticing MM playing black so assumed removal. His card draw and ramp helped to stabilise and the 7th land was timely to remove the renowned irregulars that would have won the game. I needed but did not get evasion via flying with 3 Nimbus Wings in deck. With a series of lands MM could finally get enough advantage to secure the win possibly when MM on 1 life an attack with all may have been better. As it turned out MM was able to field multiple creatures to keep alive initially. The titanic growth was timely. I had creatures to continue the threat but no removal or evasion. Even the removal of the life linker was denied as the final 2/2 damage was removed with the walking ballista that can transfer counter to damage, he could keep refilling it and in the end used it as a finisher. This was another clever part of MM's deck and later on in Match 2 with Multiform wonder he could provide evasion. For me another very close game 1 that for want of the right top deck spell could have been a win.
Game 2
In the second game I did get the early evasion but again removal game and managed it away. With damage from 2 oval chase dragster and again the walking ballista providing a good removal mechanic he could rely on when needed. Any threat I put out was removed and although at end I had more enchantment evasion it was too late.
2 Well played Games from MM and a nice deck. Will be interesting to see how the remaining cube matches go but sadly the other participants will not be able to record those matches