I'm too old, tired and broken to even roast myself so I quote others who align with my shortcomings.
I think Elk is handsome.
I get easily frustrated when unlucky or when I make a mistake, or when my opponent is exceptionally lucky. I am getting better at this.
I spend too much time on deck ideas that don't pan out, then I revisit them again and again. I should move on to something better instead of being clingy to concepts I find clever.
I care too much about the outcome, taking no comfort in whether I played well or not. There are games I can't win, I should stop whining about it and move on.
I have weird brain farts - sometimes I make plays I cannot explain when I know I know better, and I don't know why. I can't explain it. I HATE that.
I get married to cards. When I am convinced a card is amazing, you can't talk me into cutting it from a deck, even with good reasons. Too many sacred cows.
I still hold myself to standards like I play Magic super-seriously 3-6 hours a day. I expect the results without the practice. That is stupid.
I'm bad and I play bad decks with bad cards.
I'm a super tryhard because I'm terrible at the game. This means that 95% of the card pool is off limits to me because it's unplayable trash. Don't bother arguing with me about it, either, because you're wrong.
I get caught up in trying for clever Johnny builds in particular after watching the pro tours sealed draft rounds.
I just play whatever archetype looks OP in the current meta. RG Moss? Ramp it up! Vehicles, all aboard! I am the worst
<--- Wow, just look at this awful tryhard. Takes the most obvious deck ideas and thinks they're clever just because he was the first to post it - not even finished lists. He even earns a lot of praise for it; even though he's generally too lazy to make a full write-up.
As a player he thinks he's good, but then commits horrid mistakes; can't even correctly utilize the friggin Duels interface at times.
Also, he's playing any deck to win, cheap as he is; and while he will sometimes update the decks his conviction tells him which cards are good or bad, and it takes a plane crashing to persuade him otherwise.
His lame excuse to not having played in a tourney is that his laptop is not set up to record/stream... maybe he's just scared to get his ass handed to him.
Also, worst of all: His favourite colour is Green. Get lost, tree-hugger.
i play that hot garbage baby
I tend to play like I don't know what I'm doing. I keep bad hands and don't mulligan enough.
I build theme decks that don't work because I can't figure out which cards are bad within the theme. I build synergy decks that don't work because I include too many cards that don't synergize. I build good-stuff decks that don't work because I can't tell the good-stuff from the somewhat-good-stuff.
I am addicted to raw power. This leads me to an unhealthy obsession with cards that can take over games or win on their own. This also exemplifies why I have an unhealthy hatred of countermagic.
One I haven't seen yet (but is similar to CGB's comment), I become attached to cards and will play poorly/ make poor decisions to keep them in play. This sometimes leads to keeping them in hand way too long because I don't want them to be removed (or I don't have the means to protect them). I chalk this up to rarity restrictions but still.....
I also play a few too many games against the AI (deck building/testing, grinding, health reasons) and then have skewed expectations when I venture on to the ladder (why didn't they tap every creature and vehicle on my turn????)