Buy a high powered automatic rifle, smuggle it onto a plane and fly to whenever stainless' main office is and go on a killing spree.
It won't solve your problem, but you'll feel better afterwards (you'll also have lots of time to enjoy the feeling in prison...).
Then, with all the stainless staff deceased, wizards would have to hire people who actually know how to code and we'll eventually get a fully functional game.
Disclaimer: I did not just incide you to do bodily hard to other human beings, I was trying to be ironic and humorous (you never know, with people on the internet...)
He's an Aussie! Where the heck is he going to get a high powered automatic rifle?!
can he do a layover in the States on his flight to Stainless? I bet he could legally buy one in the airport parking lot*
*if there was a gun show going on
Isn't there always a gun show going on somewhere in the states?
I guess that could work...
Anyone else know where you can easily acquire firearms?
florida, it's where the the guns from the November 2015 paris attack came from after all
LMFAO!! OK so the plan is to fly to Florida after waking up today (it's currently 2:36 am on Tuesday 8th Nov here), find a gun show near the airport, buy a HPAR, catch
another plane to Stainless' main HQ city, cab to the HQ, and go worries guys should have that done by about Wednesday or Thursday LMFAO
Seriously though, you have all taken away the urge for me to attack my Xbox with a sledgehammer with your hilarious words, so for that, I thank you all.
The most fun I've had with this game since the original season has been uninstalling it. I suggest you try it out.
LOL yeah I think this is the
real solution!