RNG cuts both ways and though it may not always seem so I believe it to be fair. If there was an in game way to set up play and draw I'd be all for it but this restarting to set it I can't get behind. I trust this lot but I'd not invite an opportunity to tip the scales
But then, if you believe the RNG to be fair, what tipping of the scales would occur that otherwise (currently) does not?
The connection issues alone.
But I like the idea of a deck that gets unlucky (like Mobius) and is almost alwAys on the draw but through skillful piloting and deck construction still manages to outperform. I would be more impressed with that performance than a Mardu Vehicles deck that wins after being on the play almost all the time
Chance can be fun
Not that I’ve experienced that many connection issues on iOS myself so far, but if they are indeed a factor, wouldn’t they impact each game with the same opponent, regardless of whether it’s the 3rd or 8th attempt?
Don't all decks have the chance of losing despite being on the play?
Don’t get me wrong guys, I’m fine with the way things are and have absolutely no intentions of pushing this method.
It's far from perfect and I'm sure some may (or will) find it to be a (minor) manual nuisance to get right each time.
But, if we're exchanging opinions: considering how the game is suppósed to be played, to me it seems more like the restoration of, rather than a detriment to the fairness of tournament play.
Now as to whether the results outweigh the effort, sure, that's debatable.
And I do agree, chance cán be fun, but the RNG kind of already has that covered..
(surprise, it's a land!)