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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:35 pm 
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What's your favorite deck to run in multiplayer and why? No real reasons beyond curiosity.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:42 pm 
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I assume this is for 2014 right? Because if that's the case my answer is 'none of them'. I play random pretty much exclusively just to keep it from getting dry. If I had to chose a single deck though it would be... I have no idea. Dimir maybe? I'm liking Bounce and Boon a lot too.

Yeah let's say Bounce and Boon - because it does okay against most decks.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:48 pm 
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It varies with the months. First was GL, than FW, than Control MMz, than SotS, and now is B&B.

Yes, I'm from Brazil and no, I'm not an annoying ****.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:51 pm 
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Yes I ment 2014. My favorite all time though is the zombie deck from 2012 I believe it was. I went to the Fantasy shop and purchased every one of them to play with in real life, to bad you can't use it in modern tourney plays. One time I think I had like 250 zombie cards on the field or something like that. It was maxed and it got to a point where the xbox was so lagged it was taking like a minute or two to process inbetween turns. I did some insanely amount of damage on my last turn when I attacked with everything.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:27 pm 

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What mode?

In 1v1, I tend to favor blue due to the control aspects of it. My favorite decks for this mode would have to be Dodge and Burn, Mind Maze, and Masks of the Dimir.

In 2HG, I tend to favor tons of removal. Thus Lords of Darkness and Deadwalkers are my favorites here, followed closely by the izzet deck again.

In FFA............ I don't play this mode often. When I do.......... my goal is to not be 4th. I do whatever that requires.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:35 pm 
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Imho, Deadwalkers is the most all-round deck in Magic 2014, you can win with nearly everything you draw.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:38 pm 

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Auunj wrote:
Imho, Deadwalkers is the most all-round deck in Magic 2014, you can win with nearly everything you draw.

....... Deadwalkers is good in every mode, but the best in none. Izzet, MM, and Avacyn are better in 1v1. Demons is better in 2v2. Deadwalkers is just behind these.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:43 pm 
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Plenty of people would challenge you on that claim that Deadwalkers isn't the best in 1v1. Personally, I don't think it is as good as Avacyn's Glory in that mode, but I think it outperforms Dodge and Burn and Mind's Maze.

As for me, I tend to enjoy both of the blue black decks (Masks and Unfinished Business). They both require you to have deck building skills moreso than most other decks in this game and reward tight play. Firewave is also fun because it isn't the best deck in the game by a long shot, but is still very capable of winning in the right hands.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:47 pm 

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Spooky wrote:
Plenty of people would challenge you on that claim that Deadwalkers isn't the best in 1v1. Personally, I don't think it is as good as Avacyn's Glory in that mode, but I think it outperforms Dodge and Burn and Mind's Maze.

As for me, I tend to enjoy both of the blue black decks (Masks and Unfinished Business). They both require you to have deck building skills moreso than most other decks in this game and reward tight play. Firewave is also fun because it isn't the best deck in the game by a long shot, but is still very capable of winning in the right hands.

Avacyn and Mind Maze do crazy aggro swarm better in 1v1. Dodge and Burn does control better. Deadwalkers is 4th just because..... it does both swarm and control really well, but not as well as these other decks. It's a jack of all trades that is just barely inferior to what frankly are completely insane decks. There is no shame in that, and Deadwalkers still kicks @#$. When I say 4th, I am talking 45%chance to win vs 55% for the other to win.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:35 pm 
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In a mutiplayer ffa, if given the choice I'm leaning toward B&B myself.
The added time in the long format gives you time to build up a formidable battlefield and gain life at the same time.
It can be all wiped away, but if you play your cards right you can be prepared for the wipe.
In a ffa, a deck that can set up while not being too aggressive off the bat and gaining advantage by the set up makes it a big contender.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:44 pm 

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In a mutiplayer ffa, if given the choice I'm leaning toward B&B myself.
The added time in the long format gives you time to build up a formidable battlefield and gain life at the same time.
It can be all wiped away, but if you play your cards right you can be prepared for the wipe.
In a ffa, a deck that can set up while not being too aggressive off the bat and gaining advantage by the set up makes it a big contender.

All I know is that it seems to be annoying as @#$% for the entire game if not ganged up on.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:25 am 
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I haven't played near the matches you guys have - but I would have to say LoD for 1v1. As far as FFA - I haven't decided yet - a few more weeks of Garren's TNT and I'll have a better idea.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:38 am 

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leetmilf wrote:
I haven't played near the matches you guys have - but I would have to say LoD for 1v1. As far as FFA - I haven't decided yet - a few more weeks of Garren's TNT and I'll have a better idea.

I like LOD, but I don't really like it in 1v1. Ignoring the Deadwalkers matchup, the deck is a little too slow for the hardest matchups. It's exactly like chant, but with removal instead of the ramp. Once it gets going, it's unstoppable, but getting there is an issue, and too much removal can still stop it.

Bounce and Boon is the only deck I have seen completely steal the game from the get go in FFA, but I don't play it enough to know for sure. What I have seen so far:
Demons does really well in matchups where none of your opponent's have B cards. Chant, Dragons, and the reanimator seem to be in the same area.
Humans, zombies, illusions, and elves do okay with the swarming thing.
Izzet seems to do well if the bounce lifegain deck doesn't show up.
The rest of the decks need a chaotic matchup to come in first.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:36 am 

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Flickerwisp + Restoration repeated bounce combo gets more powerful the more turns there are (to abuse cathars' crusade (+2/+2 per end step and the initial set up), archon of redemption (+6hp per end step and the initial set up) or other life gain effects). Same with double flickerwisp just to a lesser extent.

In theory final fortune as an instant gains a dash of utility in FFA if your opponents are all tapped out between a turn that doesn't lead to yours and you can finish them all off it it were your turn at that moment. Wouldn't want to put it into practice though.

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Nice to know removing content is a company wide policy.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:42 am 
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Deadwalkers by far.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:48 am 

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I agree with awake, Deadwalkers practically doesn't have a bad matchup. My currect fav is chant followed by dimir and dragons

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:25 pm 

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I don't have a go-to deck in D14...I tend to play what's new or what I haven't played in a while. Sometimes, I'll play a different deck every game. But there are a smattering of decks I never play - Slivers, Firewave, Avacyn and Deadwalkers. Everything else gets a go at one point or another.

If we're talking D13, then my definite go-to was Garruk. I love that deck. When I fire it up these days, though, I find myself playing OD and Jace more...I guess I missed those deck styles, since they're not all that represented in D14.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:52 pm 

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I don't know if your experiences match this or not, but my izzet deck is completely permission based. Whether or not I win with it versus Deadwalkers is based on how good my hand is. Their hand doesn't really matter if I get a good one. If I get a bad one, and they get a bad hand, I also have a very good chance to win. However, I haven't gotten a good hand and lost to Deadwalkers yet.

When I am playing as Deadwalkers in that matchup, I know I am praying for all all creatures and recursion and for them to run out of good cards. Or for the other person to make mistakes. Or for something else to happen. Regardless, I would rather be the izzet player in the matchup.

Some of the decks, such as sliver, Hunter's Strength, and Demons literally do not have the resources to compete with Dodge and Burn. Where they can at least do something against Avacyn or Deadwalkers.

Chant, Bounce and Boon, and Unfinished Business are the real problems for Dodge and Burn.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:39 pm 
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Lords of Darkness. Every time I lose 3-5 times in a row with a different deck or when I meet a strong opponent which I can't beat with C-tier deck I switch back to LoD and just relax. I don't know why but of all 6 six decks that I regularly play, LoD suits me the best. It's not as OP as the Trinity (that's why I'm stopped playing DW by the way - too easy and boring, IMO) but still has an answer to almost any deck with a few exceptions. Yeah, it requires not only right build but some amount of luck but for some reason I almost always get the cards I need with it - sweepers, single removals, 5cmc demons on T3 with HS... It surely is my favorite of all DotP decks and I just love playing it. So, when I want to have a evening full of wins I just pick LoD and I'm not afraid of any matchup.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:50 pm 

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What kind of low end are you running there? Because every demons I make has problems handling zombie aggro.

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