Big fan of Jund so will give this a try over 10 v Hard AI. I just completed a gauntlet with covert's Golgari Control going 8 - 2 and of course it's Jund minus red but totally different mix with Jund and the big guys and ignition. I guess as OP as
Gaea's Revenge you are choosing not to run. He is no good of course for ignition but a 1 of may be suitable however will run as is and report back. One thing I have found in general (certainly vs AI) is flyers can be an issue. The AI is pretty cute at running the right counter deck. You have guaranteed removal in the Cruel revival but as a 2 of still a risk. A foundry land 1 of could be useful insurance without over hurting the curve. I get why the passage is there. Anyway if that is a thing when I run the gauntlet can let you know.
GR I'd a great card, I was just trying to keep the mana curve low due to the GG and RR already in the deck. I Don't have ramp in here, so turn five is either a Nightfire,Colossus, or Ignited Kird. But 5 mana is not hard to do. The entire deck functions on 5 mana, which was one of reasons for the picks I made. Any other mana on the board is absolutely combat tricks. Nightfire does a surprisingly good job at clearing flyers. Anything early with a good body gets a double Myr sac. Late game, it's block or they die. Passage and Kird push damage through. Everything can interact with Passage and Kird, another reason I left GR out.
Out of 20 matches vs hard AI yesterday, I went 16-4. Let me know what you think.