I forgot to mention that all Jeskai decks are name Jessica. Like, a Jeskai mill deck will be Jessica Miller, and I also have Jessica Drago running these days.
Funny, I named a Jeskai control deck Jessica for similar reasons. When my wife was in the room watching me pick that deck I told her I named it after her because it wants to control
everything. Ahh that was the start of a fun conversation.
I had been working on a Dimir artifact deck for the deck building contest that played off
Tezzeret's Touch and other artifact animation cards and ol Tez himself. I was planning on naming the deck
Show me where Tezzeret touched you. Alas it wasn't meant to be. I couldn't get the deck to behave the way I wanted it to with the color restriction we have for the contest. Of course that would have been difficult to type into the limited characters we have, probably would have called it "show me" for short.
I had fun naming the deck I actually entered in the contest but I can't give that away just yet.