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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:52 am 
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Like the title says, I am curious what the real difference is between the Magic Duels Decklist Forum and the Magic Constructed Decklist Forum.

Mainly want to know so I am not putting things in the wrong spot on here. To me, seems like they are the same for the most part. Just that no one seems to use the Duels one that much anymore. Unless of course I am missing something with the Constructed one. Maybe its for a more open decklists and discussions(and if that's it, cool) as opposed to just posting the list in the Duels one and then seeing if anyone says anything about it.

Thank you in advance for the answers.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:55 am 
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Well techniaclly the decklist subforum is used for posting your decklist in a specific archtype color thread; like mono-red, mono-green, Dimir, etc.

The constructed subforum is used for posting a specific type of deck and others can post similar builds; for example, you post a mill deck and talk about it, then someone else can post a smilar build, but it's splashing another color.


Overall, the constructed subforum is more neater.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:57 am 
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I always see it more as "Duels Finished Decklists" and "Duels Brewing Corner".

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:00 am 
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Constructed is where you go to talk about a deck you want to share or a concept to get feedback on. It's a better format since each deck gets its own thread, and thread derails don't clog up a thread that's 20+ pages long that people attempt to navigate looking for ideas. In constructed, the information you're looking for is right at the top of the page.

The deck list subforum is an outdated waste of space. Sorting by colors makes no sense, because we're past that. People search for concepts.. aggro, midrange, control, ramp, lifegain, combo, mill, etc. If you go to the Temur thread.. what are you looking for? Exactly.. you don't even really have an idea. If you're looking for a mill deck, you know it has to have Tutelage, so.. do you search 20+ pages of every color combo with blue? See what I'm saying.. Deck list subforum is pretty trash now.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:06 pm 
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Blissgirl9 wrote:
Constructed is where you go to talk about a deck you want to share or a concept to get feedback on. It's a better format since each deck gets its own thread, and thread derails don't clog up a thread that's 20+ pages long that people attempt to navigate looking for ideas. In constructed, the information you're looking for is right at the top of the page.

The deck list subforum is an outdated waste of space. Sorting by colors makes no sense, because we're past that. People search for concepts.. aggro, midrange, control, ramp, lifegain, combo, mill, etc. If you go to the Temur thread.. what are you looking for? Exactly.. you don't even really have an idea. If you're looking for a mill deck, you know it has to have Tutelage, so.. do you search 20+ pages of every color combo with blue? See what I'm saying.. Deck list subforum is pretty trash now.

When that subforum was created the pool was quite limited to what I'm seeing now. It was elemental enough to where everyone would know where to find specific cards in builds. It was a good place to bounce around builds in the color archetypes as we had just got that ability (2015) of not having basic preconstructed decks to unlock cards for and build upon and could build from scratch.

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