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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:00 am 

Joined: Feb 04, 2017
Posts: 23
so customer support told me to report problematic steam users.

how would i do that? i keep playing a guy named [][][][] and he always disconnects right away.

how do i add someone on steam? i dont even care about reporting him i just wanna ask him why :D

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:37 am 

Joined: Jul 12, 2014
Posts: 1005
Reporting is useless.
Steam support will answer your report after a 3-4 weeks, telling you that the game has to be enforced by the developer.

You may want to report d/c abusers, but there are actual cheaters around, and that's the answer we get.

If you want to add someone on Steam, just go onto the friend tab in Steam overlay, input the username, search and send friend request.

You won't be able to add friends, if you haven't spent at least $5 on Steam. Below that threshold you are a free user. Can't add friends, can't write reviews.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:04 am 
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Maybe it is something on your side like a glitch or a bug?
Maybe your software is labeling everyone as box*4 and it is failing to connect to them properly too?

Anyways, Steam has a friends tab. You have to open Steam itself to add friends, you can't do it through Duels. You should be able to easily navigate Steam's friends tab to add, remove and communicate with friends. I'm not sure what the guys name is supposed to be, is it actually a collection of [[[[ and ]]] or are they boxes like maybe it is another language and you don't have the fonts installed for that language? If his name is a bunch of symbols and not a placeholder for another language then you should be able to write in the symbols to attempt to add him, but he could choose to ignore your friend request.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:10 am 
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If you only see boxes then your computer does not have support for other languages (arabic, japanese, etc.) installed. It might not be just one person, but many people with names in, say, cyrillic.

Point is, you can't really add or report them because you don't have their name.

Last edited by GimmickMan on Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:11 am 

Joined: Feb 04, 2017
Posts: 23
yeah its actual squares, so probably russian or something :(

clearly deliberate on his part to avoid having to face his crimes

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:16 am 
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Lately, I've played disconnecting players about as often as normal players, so I get to play the AI a lot. Actually makes me think that vs AI should just go to the database and Choose a random deck from someone with my rank.
It seems as though many players on steam use 3rd party cheat to disconnect if they don't get good openning hands. Its a reality I've just come to accept. No use in reporting them, they're probably half the player base anyway.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:26 am 
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Haven_pt wrote:
Lately, I've played disconnecting players about as often as normal players, so I get to play the AI a lot. Actually makes me think that vs AI should just go to the database and Choose a random deck from someone with my rank.
It seems as though many players on steam use 3rd party cheat to disconnect if they don't get good openning hands. Its a reality I've just come to accept. No use in reporting them, they're probably half the player base anyway.

You don't have to use a 3rd party software to disconnect. If I wanted to do it I have a wifi on/off switch on my laptop. Also, you are correct about not bothering to report them as there is no way to tell a purposeful disconnect from an accidental one.

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- Steam (671 cards out of 1328), Working on : Kaladesh : 23%. {Complete Sets - Origins, BFZ, Oath of the Gatewatch}

- ios (524 cards out of 1328), Working on : Origins 6%. {Complete Sets - Kaladesh}

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