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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:20 pm 
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"Win 2 games in which you spend only one colour of mana."

I am fairly sure <> mana costs dodge this, since they're colourless, as do artefacts. Mono-G Eldrazi ramp? Mono-B discard control? Mono-W aggro? Mono-R burn?

Hrrm. I'm about to be busy for an hour or two outside game. I'll be ruminating in the mean time. I think the ramp is my preferred idea (I fully intend to beat up on AI with this) if partially so that I can Bellower into a Rec Sage as needed.

Stainless: We put the "eff it" in "effort."

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:23 pm 

Joined: Sep 30, 2016
Posts: 47
Haven't seen this yet...80g quest?

Anything that can be done vs AI I'm all for!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 7:36 pm 
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80g, yes. Here's my initial draft I don't have time to test just yet;

2 x Walking Ballista
2 x Universal Solvent
2 x Sylvan Advocate
4 x Druid of the Cowl
3 x Ruin in Their Wake
2 x Nature's Way
2 x Tireless Tracker
1 x Reclamation Sage
2 x Thought-Knot Seer
2 x From Beyond
2 x Explosive Vegetation
1 x Verdurous Gearhulk
2 x Reality Smasher
1 x Nissa, Vital Force
1 x Greenwarden of Murasa
1 x Woodland Bellower
1 x Oblivion Sower
2 x Nissa's Renewal
1 x Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
1 x Kozilek, the Great Distortion

12 x Forest
4 x Wastes
1 x Rogue's Passage
4 x Crumbling Vestige
4 x Evolving Wilds

Will give it a spin shortly. Probably missing at least one useful artefact in the last two sets but nothing immediately leapt to mind.

Stainless: We put the "eff it" in "effort."

Warning to new people: Disregard me entirely and probably everything I post unless I tell you you're being a cockrhino or dickephant.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:54 pm 
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So ah...yeah. That was just an utter beating. Deck worked fine. Only complain is I wished a Vestige was a Wastes once but that aside, it did plenty fine for two games. Feel free to tweak for personal use.

Stainless: We put the "eff it" in "effort."

Warning to new people: Disregard me entirely and probably everything I post unless I tell you you're being a cockrhino or dickephant.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:13 pm 
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Instead of Evolving Wilds you could just get Aether Hub they also produce waste mana. Also i suggest adding reality shaper can smash face and draw you something.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:35 pm 
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Wilds is there to double trigger Tireless Tracker and Nissa, Vital Force. Matter Reshaper is better in a deck with a lower curve to slam free stuff out. While I would like a tiny bit extra draw, I think Rishkar's Expertise would be the route to take if I wanted to commit to it. Possibly over Kozilek who, while not bad, comes much later.

Stainless: We put the "eff it" in "effort."

Warning to new people: Disregard me entirely and probably everything I post unless I tell you you're being a cockrhino or dickephant.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:58 pm 
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I actually ran something similar last season and was pretty impressed by it. My take on it:
-25 lands is fine, but ALL of the Vestiges should be Wastes no doubt. Turning on Ruin in their Wake reliably is too important to pass up and you have reliable t1 Green.
-The deck could be a lot more assertive I feel like. Last season my curve just stopped at 7 with 2 Gaea's, and I feel like this season is not that much different.
-No Nissa, Vastwood Seer? She never seems bad in your deck...

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:01 pm 
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Well it was slapped together quite literally in six minutes in a rush before I went out the door. I haven't needed to return to it yet, but you're probably right on all counts. Gaea's, Nissa, and Rishkar's Expertise should all probably be in over the Eldrazi and three other cards - probably the Renewals and Sower since Renewal isn't that grand when you're not ramping to 10.

Stainless: We put the "eff it" in "effort."

Warning to new people: Disregard me entirely and probably everything I post unless I tell you you're being a cockrhino or dickephant.

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