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[Homebrew] Custom Races and Classes
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Author:  altimis [ Sun May 03, 2020 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  [Homebrew] Custom Races and Classes

Hey gang! I dunno how active this forum is, but I figured I'd post here and see what happens.

I've been working on a custom setting based on dnd 5e. The TL;DR of it all:
I'm using 5e rules with the exception of magic works differently (I'm still experimenting with ideas). This results in custom classes.
It's a no-human world, but to really make it feel alien, I'm making custom races as well.

The not TL;DR of it all.
I've been planning out a campaign and I'm nearing completion of the planning phase, but I want some feedback as I get nearer to that goal.
I was a lot closer a few weeks ago, but I had a thought regarding the magic system, so now I'm rearranging it according to that to see how it feels. That's putting the classes in the not done category for now.
That said, I have a bunch of races I would appreciate feedback on.

There are six races in general, but each race has two subraces (the -id and the -is).
The races are:
Delphe - Delphed/Delphes Pastel-colored humanoids with long ears or protrusions across the body. They have bright or glowing eyes.
The delphed are rather tieflingish. The males tend to be rougher, while females tend to be more elegant.
The delphes are more elvish. They have long ears and arcane markings across their bodies.

Faeru - Faerud/Faerus Feathered humanoids. They have talons for feet. Though they have wings, they cannot fly.
The faerud are basically rito (from Breath of the Wild). Wings sprout from the arms, and they tend to look more avian than their counterparts. They do have hands (or claws).
The faerus are basically angels. Wings sprout from their backs, and they tend to be more human than their counterparts.

Gnoma - Gnomad/Gnomas Short and hairy humanoids. They have big ears, big eyes, and a big mouth. They are basically yordles from League of Legends.
The gnomad are more stout and tend to have more hair, or rougher hair/fur.
The gnomas are skinnier, and tend to be more fair.

Memaeri - Memaerid/Memaeris The merfolk of my world. They have webbed hands and feet, and some type of gills and fins. They are always bipedal.
The memaerid are basically zoras (from Breath of the Wild). They don't have any hair and tend to look more fish-like than their counterparts.
The memaeris are more like "classic" mermaids. They are more humanoid and have hair.

Nymphy - Nymphyd/Nymphys Plant people of varying degrees.
The nymphyd are like treants. They have rough bark skin, might be oddly proportioned, could easily be mistaken as a tree.
The nymphys are like nymphs, dryads, or certain (planty) elves. They appear more humanoid but hair is more bushy or viney. Sometimes their skin is kind of "veiny" (rooted, gnarled etc).

Orko - Orkod/Orkos In general, dry humanoids.
The orkod are like dragonborn. They are scaly, and while mostly humanoid, some might appear more reptile.
The orkos are like "normal" humanoids with dark or ashen skin, but they can immolate.

*Note: I'm using human and humanoid for your reference. Humans do not, and have never, existed in this world.

With the general descriptions out of the way, here's what I have for the abilities and features.
Most of these are based on actual races with a few tweaks here and there, some are little more homemade.

Delphe ('delf)
Faeru ('fair-oo)
Gnoma ('no-muh)
Memaeri (mem-'mare-ee)
Nymphy ('nim-fee)
Orko ('or-co)

Any and all insight/criticism is appreciated!


Author:  altimis [ Sun May 03, 2020 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Homebrew] Custom Races and Classes

There are seven classes in total:
Warrior, with a Duelist or Berserker expertise: well-trained combatants with a focus in 1 v 1 (duelist) or 1 v Many (berserker).

Mercenary, with a Rogue or Hunter specialty: people hired to do what needs to get done. Reconnaissance (rogue) or guiding (hunter).

Monk, with a Martial or Alchemist art: people focused on perfection through meditation (martial) or manipulation (alchemist).

Paladin, with an Avenger or Warden oath: a spellcaster guardian who avenges (avenger) or protects (warden).

Environ, with a Druid or Ranger path: a spellcaster spokesman of nature through transformation (druid) or companionship (ranger).

Battlemage, with an Imbure or Trickster pact: a fierce spellcaster that fights with magic and might (imbure) or stealth (trickster).

Wizard, with a particular Study: an all out spellcaster.
The studies are:
Necromancy: contains the schools of Necomancy and Vitromancy (previously Abjuration)
Omnivocy: contains the school of Evocation
Permanency: contains the schools of Conjuration and Transmutation
Quasesticy: contains the schools of Divination, Enchantment, and Illusion

People are generally referred to as their subclass, not their general class. Classes work slightly differently (besides having been changed). You start with one saving throw proficiency, and gain the second when you choose your archetype (your archetype determines the second proficiency). You also gain a proficiency in another skill for free based on your archetype.
For example, a level 1 Warrior starts proficiency in Strength saves. When they reach level 3 they have two choices:
becoming a Duelist grants them proficiency in Dexterity saves and the DEX-Acrobatics skill.
becoming a Berserker grants them proficiency in Constitution saves and the CHA-Intimidation skill.

Lastly, you can't multiclass between spellcasters and non-spellcasters. You can either cast magic or you can't.


Author:  altimis [ Sun May 03, 2020 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Homebrew] Custom Races and Classes

Spellcasting for Battlemage, Environ, and Paladin classes:
Battlemages use the Sorcerer and Warlock spell lists.
Evirons use the Druid and Ranger spell lists.
Paladins use the Cleric and Paladin spell lists.

Spellcasting for Wizards:
Wizards have access to any spell.

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