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[CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun
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Author:  Echo_Robin [ Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  [CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun


Sphinx of the Second Sun |
Creature - Sphinx (M)
At the beginning of your postcombat main phase, you get an additional beginning phase after this phase. (The beginning phase includes the untap, upkeep, and draw steps.)
He watches in silence as the shadows shift, bringing Amonkhet ever nearer to the Hour of Revelation

Paradox Haze was always super cool, this is that plus extra mana, and more cards. Also a good size body, with evasion. Yeah, it costs 8 mana, but sometimes you have to pay to have fun. I imagine the extra untap step is probably the most useful part, especially since you get the mana and the extra card the same turn you cast it if you do it pre-combat, but I'm most excited for the extra upkeep triggers. Plus I love anything I get to target with Strionic Resonator.

Author:  Tevish Szat [ Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun

Yes... YES.

I think it combos with extra combats that grant an extra main too...

I would like my turn to be Untap - Upkeep - Upkeep - Draw - Main - Combat - Untap - Upkeep - Upkeep - Draw - Main - Combat - Untap - Upkeep - Upkeep - Draw - Main - End

Author:  Aaarrrgh [ Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun

I wanted this to go infinite with Aggravated Assault, but I think you end up getting the extra phases in the wrong order.

You can still get at least three combats, though. Activate Assault in your first main. Get extra combat and extra main. At the end of that main you get a beginning phase so you can untap before your regular combat. In your regular post combat main you activate Assault again, get a third combat followed by another main and two beginning phases. If you have enough mana to activate Assault twice in the same phase it gets even more ridiculous. It might actually go infinite at that point.

Author:  Mown [ Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun

If you use Assault in response to the Sphinx's trigger, then you should get Main -> Beginning -> Combat -> Main (repeat).

Author:  Tevish Szat [ Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun

It occurs to me that the extra beginning phase isn't "slotted" anywhere. I think we may need to see some Oracle rulings on what this really does as there's no "after that phase". is the extra beginning phase just welded to the Main phase and part of it? If it spawns after, is it pushed back by more extra combats/mains so if you do a mass combat loop you then just take a load of beginnings before the end?

I love this kind of card but sometimes it is not easy to parse the wording when they try something new.

Author:  Aaarrrgh [ Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun

500.8. Some effects can add phases to a turn. They do this by adding the phases directly after the specified phase. If multiple extra phases are created after the same phase, the most recently created phase will occur first.

So, I'm pretty sure my analysis is correct.

Also, @Mown, Assault can only be activated at sorcery speed.

Author:  CuriousHeartless [ Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun

The way it works seems to be: If you control it at the beginning of a postcombat main phase it creates a delayed trigger, when you pass the phase you go to the beginning phase, and then to what would normally come after the postcombat main phase. Usually the end step but yes with Aggravated Assault (et al) you’d move to your second combat. Since you do untap you can go infinite with Assault as long as you have enough mana to activate it in that first postcombat main phase (so probably not same turn you drop this)

So expensive but so good, would love being cheated out. Show and Tell or Braids perhaps?

Author:  Mown [ Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun

Aaarrrgh wrote:
Also, @Mown, Assault can only be activated at sorcery speed.

oh, right
Yeah in that case I think you need to active it twice each time to go infinite.

Author:  TPmanW [ Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [CMR-ICD] Sphinx of the Second Sun

Mown wrote:
Aaarrrgh wrote:
Also, @Mown, Assault can only be activated at sorcery speed.

oh, right
Yeah in that case I think you need to active it twice each time to go infinite.

Rings of brighthearth!

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