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[ELD-MCD] Common Land Cycle
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Author:  AzureShade [ Fri Sep 20, 2019 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  [ELD-MCD] Common Land Cycle

I think one or two of these got posted, but here's all of them for comparison:


A quick commentary that struck me about the blue one:

deg99 asked:
Gp flight AMA: What card are you most excited for so far from throne of eldraine?

Island-Delver-Go said:
This was spoiled today so it’s at the forefront of my mind


Hittting the untap clause is not trivial in, say, UR Delver but, if you do Thunderous Wrath becomes absolutely ridiculous. Keep in mind that this can be bounced with Daze too so that’s also bonkers.

Outside of that, this will be a staple in any taking turns decks as you can blink this in any number of ways to recur Time Warp and lock them out and then effectively mill them.

In vintage you can do this with literal Time Walk. And it’s a common.

Author:  Knight Otu [ Fri Sep 20, 2019 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [ELD-MCD] Common Land Cycle

AzureShade wrote:

"You have arrived. After a journey from the Mountainhomes into the forbidding wilderness beyond, your harsh trek has finally ended. Your party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of all of Ushul.
There are almost no supplies left, but with stout labor comes sustenance. Whether by bolt, plow, or hook, provide for your dwarves. You are expecting supply caravan just before winter entombs you, but it is spring now. Enough time to delve secure lodgings, ere the wolves get hungry. A new chapter of dwarven history begins here at this place, Ang Urus, "Red Fell". Strike the earth!"

Author:  Tevish Szat [ Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [ELD-MCD] Common Land Cycle

Knight Otu wrote:
AzureShade wrote:

"You have arrived. After a journey from the Mountainhomes into the forbidding wilderness beyond, your harsh trek has finally ended. Your party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of all of Ushul.
There are almost no supplies left, but with stout labor comes sustenance. Whether by bolt, plow, or hook, provide for your dwarves. You are expecting supply caravan just before winter entombs you, but it is spring now. Enough time to delve secure lodgings, ere the wolves get hungry. A new chapter of dwarven history begins here at this place, Ang Urus, "Red Fell". Strike the earth!"

Throne seems poised to put a Dwarf Fortress themed deck really within reach. Going with your typical Boatmurdered pattern that would mean a number of dwarves, probably some artifact-based rube goldberg machine, and a giant flaming apocalypse for no apparent reason. Maybe I can recur Lava Flow/Lava Storm...

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