No Goblins Allowed

[Cube] Let's build a Cube
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Author:  Jman22 [ Sun May 24, 2015 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  [Cube] Let's build a Cube

Link: ... sp=sharing

So, been strongly considering remaking my cube, figured we could all build it together, if people are interested. Use the link above to access a spreadsheet to put cards in.

I'd post more, but I need to be up in 6 hours. So, LET'S DISCUSS!

Thinking, maybe, a mono-black devotion theme, with a sacrifice/Grave Pact type Sub-theme? Not really feeling a straight reanimation theme this time around.

Author:  chinkeeyong [ Mon May 25, 2015 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Cube] Let's build a Cube

I suggest Goblins be an archetype.

Author:  masterofdoom [ Tue May 26, 2015 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Cube] Let's build a Cube

I'm interested, sure.

Author:  Lilan [ Tue May 26, 2015 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Cube] Let's build a Cube

dunno if it was intentional or not but i can't edit the spreadsheet

Author:  Rush_Clasic [ Tue May 26, 2015 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Cube] Let's build a Cube

I think one neat way you could go about doing this is to format it like a posting game. Say you start by creating the set size and parameters: 540 cards tends to be a good set size. You could split that up into something like 80 mono-colored cards per color (400), 50 artifacts, 50 lands, and 40 multicolored cards. And from there, people just post in a cycle:


And continue doing that until each section and eventually the set are filled in. Heck, if you don't like that idea, I might do it myself.

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