No Goblins Allowed

mm 2015 - 5 color
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Author:  Zenbitz [ Sun May 17, 2015 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  mm 2015 - 5 color

So I did try to run a couple drafts on cockatrice. First one I ended up with some RW "pump" monstrosity but it wasn't very good.

This second attempt was better:
2 x Sphere of the Suns
1 x Wayfarer's Bauble
1 x Expedition Map
1 x Everflowing Chalice
1 x Alloy Myr

1 x Skyreach Manta
1 x Rusted Relic
1 x Blinding Souleater
1 x Gust-Skimmer
1 x Gnarlid Pack
1 x Runed Servitor
1 x Battlegrace Angel
1 x Dragonsoul Knight
1 x Hellkite Charger
1 x Apocalypse Hydra
1 x Horde of Notions

1 x Burst Lightning
1 x Oblivion Ring
1 x Tribal Flames
1 x Fiery Fall
1 x Vengeful Rebirth
1 x Agony Warp

1 x Swamp
2 x Plains
6 x Forest
6 x Mountain
2 x Island

SB: 1 Bloodthrone Vampire
SB: 1 Scuttling Death
SB: 2 Sylvan Bounty
SB: 2 Plummet
SB: 2 Smokebraider
SB: 1 Glint Hawk Idol
SB: 1 Remand
SB: 1 Somber Hoverguard
SB: 1 Helium Squirter
SB: 1 Daybreak Coronet
SB: 1 Flayer Husk
SB: 1 Gust-Skimmer
SB: 1 Runed Servitor
SB: 1 Vapor Snag
SB: 1 Scion of the Wild
SB: 1 Mutagenic Growth
SB: 1 Æthersnipe
SB: 1 Soulbright Flamekin
SB: 1 Faerie Mechanist

I first picked the big red dragon and pretty early was leaning 5 color. I
I lost a pretty close match to UW affinity, I did have lethal on board in game 3 but forgot Rebirth went to the face. He had a counterspell anyway.

I found it really hard to balance the artifact fixing with just having enough bodies. Not sure if Rusted Relic works here at all but I was maindecking 9 other artifacts. I think I should have run the 2nd servitor and maybe skimmer or husk, but I basically am going to have trouble winning without all 5 lands out. I think I could have also taken a couple Evolving Wilds. My opponent thought I should play the Smokebraiders, but I took the first one without realize it was only fixing/ramp for elementals. So the are great with Horde, but otherwise...


Author:  Shazzeh [ Sun May 17, 2015 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mm 2015 - 5 color

We drafted the RW pump deck. It was complete trash, but it was hilarious and we won anyway. Our entire creature base was four double strike dudes and two Bloodshot Trainee.

Author:  Popular Pariah [ Sun May 17, 2015 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mm 2015 - 5 color

I drafted a better version of the RW pump deck the other day and it seems good when people try to use their instants as instants.

Author:  Popular Pariah [ Sun May 17, 2015 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: mm 2015 - 5 color

Still bleh though.

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