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Card Off: Leonin Snarecaster vs. Setassan Battle Priest
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Author:  Zenbitz [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Card Off: Leonin Snarecaster vs. Setassan Battle Priest

Hmmm... since there already is a threat about green common fatties, maybe some white cards.

Leonin Snarecaster
Setessan Battle Priest

Um, both these cards kinda suck. Piker with upside I guess is a thing, but I had a WG deck with 3 of these and found the upside hard to use... I guess if you play it late it's not a dead card? I have yet to pull off any sort of functioning aggro deck, but maybe this is playable

Is there even a use for Setassan Battlepriest's heroic ability? I guess it's tailor made for god's willing or one of the toughness boosting enchantments. 2 life seems really not even an ability though since how many triggers are you going to get? If it was 4 life it might be a decent card (COMBOS WITH Angelic Accord)

Maybe I should have faced Snarecaster off against a different card (cavalry pegasus?), as it seems almost always better. White durdles extremely poorly in this set, doesn't it?

Author:  Cato [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Card Off: Leonin Snarecaster vs. Setassan Battle Priest

Snarecaster is a good card, you just need to play it in the right deck.

Author:  Yarium [ Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Card Off: Leonin Snarecaster vs. Setassan Battle Priest

Never Setassan Battle Priest. Ever. Tapping down a creature for a turn can be ever so much better than a 1/3 that occassionally gives random life bonus.

Cavalry Pegasus is actually quite good in the red/white deck, and flying on its own is never to be undervalued.

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