No Goblins Allowed

KTK Sealed
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Author:  POSValkir [ Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  KTK Sealed

Finally pulled a 3-1 out of KTK sealed. This has been a difficult format for me.

Deck:2 x Embodiment of Spring
1 x Disowned Ancestor
1 x Ruthless Ripper
1 x Archers' Parapet
1 x Highland Game
1 x Smoke Teller
1 x Icefeather Aven
1 x Jeskai Windscout
1 x Alpine Grizzly
1 x Savage Knuckleblade
1 x Scaldkin
1 x Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
1 x Mystic of the Hidden Way
1 x Rakshasa Vizier
1 x Hooting Mandrills
1 x Woolly Loxodon
1 x Shambling Attendants

1 x Debilitating Injury
1 x Scout the Borders
1 x Sultai Banner
1 x Murderous Cut
1 x Throttle
1 x Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker

1 x Dismal Backwater
1 x Rugged Highlands
1 x Swiftwater Cliffs
1 x Thornwood Falls
4 x Forest
4 x Island
1 x Mountain
5 x Swamp


I think there was a decent control deck in there, but I wasnt willing to drop the Sultai cards. I think it would have been a better route for the final game though. The guy I lost to had a ton of fliers and a ton of removal. I often saw High Sentinels of Arashin followed by two Sultai Scavenger.

I'd love to know what you'd have done with the pool!

Author:  Tymestalker [ Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KTK Sealed

I don't know about the whole pool but Sarkhan seems really greedy with only three red sources, two of which can't be hunted by your Embodiments, and the other red creature, the Knuckleblade, doesn't seem as good for a splash card. I don't know. Instead of red, I might have gone white for your splash. Ivorytusk Fortress, Abzan Guide, and Armament Corps are pretty good creatures and Utter End is very good removal. I also might have played the flying Scavnger over the Attendants.

Author:  POSValkir [ Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KTK Sealed

Maybe I was lucky, but I was always able to cast Sarkhan when I drew him. Knuckleblade also did a TON of work. I usually snagged him with Scout the Borders. Looking at it, white may have been the better choice anyways.

As for Scavenger vs. Attendants. You're right. I saw the deck as less proactive than it was, but it was usually on the offense. Scavanger would have definitely been better. Also, fliers usually ate up Sarkhan.

Author:  Zenbitz [ Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KTK Sealed

Attendants has been really annoying to play against.

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