This was a swiss draft on MTGO.
Unfortunately I went 0-3 in matches with this deck. FWIW I did win 1 game of each match. I do not even remember the last time I ever went 0-3, maybe I never have, but I sure did with this baby.
The problem was that my creatures sucked individually. If I didn't get a strong start then my opponent could usually stabilize. My first round opponent wrecked me in all 3 games with
curse of the swine. My other opponents were able to stabilize with stronger eventual board presence. I would have hoped that my divine versicts would have come in handy there but I never seemed to have the right cards at the right time.
I'm not sure if it was just horrendous luck or if the deck is really that bad, incapable of winning a match, even against players that clearly weren't as good. But this was bad enough that I would be hard pressed to ever draft a heroic deck again. I know this isn't the perfect nut heroic deck, but I made the best (I thought) out of what was passed to me. (No wingsteed riders is a sore taste in my mouth).
I know that earlier in the week I drafted a strong midrange RG deck. I got crushed in the finals by RW heroic, though. He had the nut draw both games, what can I say. My 4- and 5-drops (like
nessian asp for example) totally outclassed any and every creature in his deck but it didn't matter thanks to his own
divine verdicts.
My initial impressions of the limited environment are that it's basically a big game of rock-paper-scissors.