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CKY's Aircube
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Author:  chinkeeyong [ Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  CKY's Aircube

The Aircube

This is a very small casual cube cobbled together from random cards that I play with my friends when we get together. We don't really have the financial resources to build decks regularly, so a cube is a great way to get some Magic in without the associated cost.

The Aircube is designed for free-for-all multiplayer, though it can be played one-on-one in a pinch. It's called the Aircube because the cards were chosen with a flying theme in mind: there's a much larger proportion of flying creatures than a typical set, and many cards care about flying in some way. A house rule we have is to use only 2 packs in Draft, and open only 4 packs in Sealed Deck: it makes the resulting decks a lot jankier and crazier in action.

Comments and criticism appreciated!

Author:  chinkeeyong [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CKY's Aircube

Bump. I like to update this cube every once in a while. Well, it's been updated.

Author:  metalevolence [ Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKY's Aircube

You inspired me

maybe you'll see some ideas you like in there

also morph because i dunno it seemed fun

Author:  chinkeeyong [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CKY's Aircube

Things that grant flying are pretty awful in a cube centered around flying creatures.

Also, your cube seems a lot more aggro than mine. Note that aggro doesn't really work well when you have two or three other players to take out.

Author:  metalevolence [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CKY's Aircube

Things that grant flying are pretty awful in a cube centered around flying creatures.

Why do you say that? They can help you block fliers, or do cute things like make your guy avoid the various earthquakes, or make an opponent's creature get hit by one of the various hurricanes or able to be plummeted. There are only like 10-15 flying granting cards.

When I make a multiplayer cube I try to encourage proactive play. Pillowfort/turtling comes naturally in multiplayer; with too much active support, I find it makes very boring games.

Author:  chinkeeyong [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CKY's Aircube

Thanks to today's Multiplayer Hall of Fame article, I realized that Luminarch Ascension says "each opponent's end step." That is bonkers. Time to look for a new card to replace it...

Why do you say that? They can help you block fliers, or do cute things

As someone who has tried extensively to make Leap work in his own cube, it really doesn't work out well. Imagine if you ran Sleight of Mind just so you could hit anything with Dark Betrayal. The cards are so terrible and situational that you always end up cutting them from your deck anyway. Given the choice between "a quirky card that no one plays" or "a boring card that gets played," I would choose to include the second every time.

When I make a multiplayer cube I try to encourage proactive play. Pillowfort/turtling comes naturally in multiplayer; with too much active support, I find it makes very boring games.

Yes, but drafting Gore-House Chainwalkers and Gloomwidows is not the way to build a multiplayer aggro deck. You just get steamrolled anyway by the last person standing. For the Aircube, I try to encourage attacking with cards like Jeskai Elder, Sigiled Skink, Ohran Viper and Wingmate Roc - all of which reward you with late-game benefits for being aggressive early on.

Author:  metalevolence [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CKY's Aircube

Leap at least cycles away for just when there's no opportunity for cuteness. I'll get rid of the jankier ones though (launch lol)

Yeah I need to do aggro differently. There are some good cards I overlooked on the first pass like prophetic flamespeaker.

Building in more subthemes may help. Tokens, voltrons, or some tribal action?

Chainwalker is bad and gone, but I'm really looking forward to the tension of other unleash guys in multiplayer. Splatter thug. Kind of in the same vein, I like gloomwidows just because they seem really interesting in this environment.

You make great points as always.

Author:  chinkeeyong [ Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CKY's Aircube

I don't think voltron decks make for fun multiplayer games, but tokens and tribal both seem totally workable.

If you want a strong multiplayer unleash card, I suggest Thrill-Kill Assassin or Carnival Hellsteed.

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