My first theros draft. Turns out we had a huge turn out at the Stanford Magic Club, and had 2 10-man pods.
P1P1 Fleecemane Lion ==> I force green/white.
Luckily, G/W was very open - so open that the guy to my right ALSO was G/W heroic and the guy to my left was G/B.
Not that with 3 green people in a row I still had excess Green playables. And the other guys also did OK.
Fleecemane Lion3
Leonine Snarecaster2
Observant Alseid2
Wingsteed Rider2
Opaline Unicorn1
Heliod's Emissary1
Hundred-Handed One1
Anthousa, Setassan Hero1
Centaur Battlemaster1
Vulpine Goliath1
Battlewise Valor2
Gift of Immortality3
Time to Feed2
Divine Verdict9 plains
8 forest
//side (used at least once)
Sedge Scorpion2
Nylea's Disciple1
Shredding Winds2
Glare of Heresy// sideboard but I never used them
Staunch-Hearted Warrior1
Traveler's Amulet1
Vupline Goliath2
Fleetfeather Sandals1
Last Breath1
Ephara's Warden1
Setessan Battle PriestI was really happy with this deck, but in actuality it didn't perform that well. Or was piloted/sideboarded poorly. Most of the guys that play here are pretty good, at least 3 regulars are PTQ quality judges.
Match one was with the mirror GW to my right. And when I say mirror, I mean mirror. He ALSO had a Gift of Immorality AND a Hundred Handed one. Also 2 wingsteed riders, and a bunch of green heroic guys, a Emissary. He did get the green monster that gets cheaper with guys in the yard (I passed it... taking something good). The match was pretty close. What he had that I did not was 2
Hopeful Eilodon. This card wrecked me in both losses. I won game 1, and game 2 was very close. I was way behind in the end on boardstate but I had a 3/3 immortal Wingsteed. He had 7 life and I had 10. I miscounted his power on the board and pumped and attacked for 5 (I only had 1 other dude) thinking he only had 8 power on the board. I missed a 3/3!!! (he had like 5 guys) I was dead in 1 turn anyway if he topped literally ANY non land card. I think it was the right gamble if I could survive a turn... as it was obviously I should have blocked, taken 6 or whatever and hoped to sneak in a planar cleansing or something. Game 3 he managed to 2-for-1 himself to eat my T2 Lion and got a Eliodon on an an Emissary and THAT is a beating. I was also flooded. Siding in Glare of Heresy was helpful, but basically I barely triggered any heroic guys.
Match 2 was against this crazy self mill izzet deck with 3
spellheart chimeras. Game 1 He LITERALLY almost milled himself with card draw. At the end of the game he had 1/4 triton with 2 of the drawcard enchantments and thassa's emissary on it (this one guy kept him in the game by tapping down my hundred-handed one). It was kind of a nice try for a bizzare deck but he needed way more bounce/counters. He ended up just drawing a bunch of dreck. Game two he got mana screwed.
Match 3 I got badly rolled by an aggro minotaur deck with like 7 removal spells. His only loss was to the pod winner who had Elspeth. I had some mana troubles but we ended up playing 2 more games for fun and I got rolled in those two as well. His deck was fast enough that my divine verdicts were nearly dead. The 2/3 regen minotaur with an order of erebos literally won game 2 for him.
Game 1 started out fine, he was screwed for lack of black. He played the must attack minotaur I top deck Fleeceman Lion and eat it and he topdecks lightning strike and I flood and it's all down hill from there. Game 2 I got behind early and he had a fist full of removal and answered everything I did. My killer move was turn 1 scorpion turn 3 gift of immortality... but he lighting struck it in response. Immortal deathtouch chump blocker might have won me the game right there.
Deathbellow Raider with regen mana and an T3 ordeal is surprisingly quite the beating.
I also boarded in the Nylea's Disiples in place of the Snarecasters (which uniformly underperformed for me)... but I think I should have gone with the 1/3 and 1/4 white dudes instead. I got to cast a disciple in one game for 2 life, but I was so far behind it was pointless.
Surprisingly good cards: Glare of Heresy, Time to Feed (not that surprising once you realize that it's removal that triggers' heroic!), the other guy's Hopeful Eilodon
Underperforming cards: Leonine Snarecaster, Gift of Immortality (as a heroic trigger, although on a wingsteed is pretty cool)