ANSWERS (not going to bother to spoil)
Actually, MY deck (number 3) went undefeated. Actually it went 4-0 in games with a first round bye (like 5 people didn't show) and the chop. It did pretty well in test games too, although it split with my son's deck (deck 1). Although I went 2-0 in round three when game one I mulled to 5 but opponent mulled to 4 and I played 2 lands, top decked vaporkin into eagle into chorus of the tides. Game 2 I mulled to 6 and he mulled to 5. He had a very fast RW deck that beat up the RG deck after the first two games.
Some dude at the shop was trying to convince me that the RG was better (I made it during the 1st round bye). I think he was wrong, it wasn't awful (I played about 4 games with it), but it wasn't great either.
I was thinking of siding out the entire deck (even bought some sleeves) but I doubt I would have had the guts. Also I couldn't decide if I should transition if I:
a) won game 1 (seems bad)
b) lost game 1 (seems panicky)
c) only for game 3
Obviously if I thought I had a particularly good or bad matchup I would switch.
I thought my son's deck was a little better than mine - so much removal. But I think he had two problems:
1) mana consistency
2) only 11 creatures
Also he's 9 and plays a little loose. (Plays combat tricks too early - as pump spells; plays creatures main phase 1).
Riptide Chimera is a very interesting card. It's totally NUTS with
stratus walk... and very bad without any other enchantment. 3 mana 3/4 flying blocker for 1 turn!
I probably should have cut the enchantments (this is deck 3 btw) and the chimera and played Triton Cavalry. Although I won both of my round two games off the Chimera/Stratus combo (once on a Chariot... which is EXTRA nuts).