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 Post subject: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:45 pm 
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What do you think are the best commons in the set?

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:28 pm 
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Hmmm... (autocarding for the sake of future generations next week)

Top 3s.
White: Eagle of the Watch and Oreskos Swiftclaw seem like solid low T beaters. After that Mortal Obstinancy? Triggers heroic, removalates, is cheap. control sleeper: Oppressive Rays

Blue: Triton Shorestalker and War-Wing Siren look g00t. Shorestalker's flavor text should be "Pants Always Beats No Pants". After that, Cloaked Siren control sleeper: Sigiled Starfish

Black: Bloodcrazed Hoplite Feast of Dreams Nightmarish End

Red: Satyr Hoplite Magma Spray Sigiled Skink

Green: Golden Hind (mana dork beater? Sign me up) Humbler of Mortals... maybe Kruphix's Insight?

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:38 am 
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I decided to pick just two commons for each color. It's a small set, after all.

Mortal Obstinacy
Ajani's Presence
White wasn't hard at all. At last, it gets weakened somewhat. There is only one really good common, and a few playable ones.

War-Wing Siren
Blue was much harder. At least two more commons are really close. But I decided to post only two per color, so this is it.

Bloodcrazed Hoplite
Fest of Dreams
Black has some fine commons, but the first two are easy for me.

Magma Spray
Satyr Hoplite
Red was really hard. The other reprint is very close, and it's probably too early to tell how these three should be ranked. Still, I decided to pick two, so here they are.

Humbler of Mortals
Golden Hind
And green was the hardest. I had to cut two out of four.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:54 pm 
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Oh, good call on Ajani's Presence - it's basically god's willing with an upside. I just missed it because it wasn't spoiled with the rest of the commons.

It' funny - I probably would have gone with 2 picks as well, but because I missed AP in white, and did white first I wasn't sure what the (3rd) best common was.

Hubris is almost certainly better than the starfish; I think it's very close with the other two cheap evasive guys. Blue aggro is going to be quite the thing.

I thought Red and Green were pretty easy, not sure if I am overrating the ones I picked or underrating the ones we didn't. I guess BTBoar is pretty solid, 3 power evasion for 4.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:00 pm 
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BTBoar was very solid when it first came out. It seems a bit slow for JBT, but I may be wrong.

In green, I liked the Oakheart Dryads, Pheres-band Thunderhoof, Renowned Weaver, Satyr Grovedancer. All very playable, although not all in the same deck.

Triton Shorestalker must get some pants to be a real threat. And there is very little bestow in JINX, so it will be harder to get.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:37 am 
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Leonin Iconoclast, while a little slow, fits right in with W/x heroic by giving them some much-needed removal. I'm ok with spending 4 mana to get 3 power in limited.
Mortal Obstinacy looks very playable as a heroic trigger that doubles as removal as well.


Hubris is a great tempo play. If I'm heroic and playing a blue player and see that they have U/x up, I'm twice as terrified, because between this and Voyage's End any combat trick/heroic creature/etc. becomes a risk.
Triton Shorestalker is good, but probably not as good as people claim, unless you're drafting a tempo/heroic deck. That one toughness is a pain. It's in a better color than tormented soul was during M13, so I'm more scared of it than I was the soul.
War-wing Siren is dope.


Bloodcrazed Hoplite will be dope if you can get him going on T3. Or he'll be a terrible topdeck.
Feast of Dreams is where it's at.
So is Pharika's Chosen. Having access to Sedge Scorpion too really gives the BG deck the space it needs to shine.


Bladetusk Boar is a little slow, but still a nice reprint. If you can get some of the cheaper removal to stop early Heroics, this is a good creature to ride to an easy win.
Magma Spray is a great addition to Spark Jolt, Magma Jet, Rage of Purphorous, and Lightning Strike.
Satyr Hoplite is another sweet addition to the R/W heroic deck. It now has relevant common heroic drops turns 1, 2, and 3, so I expect a lot more 16-land decks running 11+ heroic triggers in the format.


Ravenous Leucrocota is an interesting twist on Giant Spider and other green 2/4s. Vigiliance + big butt is a strong combination in this block, as being aggressive while stopping aggressors is incredibly clutch.
Font of Fertility and Golden Hind help green decks be green decks.


White remains the strongest color in the set, while blue has enough beaters and tempo plays to be the best support color/the 2nd-best color overall. Red got a lot of things to stop or help white-based heroic decks, so I expect RW heroic to have an even greater presence in the meta. Black green decks have a chance to shine, and in general green is going to be bad unless you have a color that has an aggressive early game, or you're able to start ramping to your fattiess ASAP. Unfortunately, I don't see much of a change in the meta for green even if you ramp--it might have the most powerful creatures to play in later turns, but even more powerful voltron creatures are already on the board by then, so who cares? Black seems split between the aggro Minotaur deck and the grindier Gorgon/graveyard-based deck, which makes me feel like cracking packs hoping for one or the other is going to usually end with mixed results. I think there's now a chance for midrange decks to shine, but expect the format to be hyper aggro in the beginning, eventually turning into more midrange-style decks.


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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:21 am 
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Iconoclast is good, but it's uncommon.

Can't believe I overlooked the Pharika's Chosen. That fits right into the UB control deck, making up for two packs less of Baleful Eidolons. And BG,as you said.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:25 am 
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I thought about chosen but I thought nightmarish end was a little better. Although it gets bad pretty fast as you dump you hand. It's like the syncopate of removal spells.

I went blue for pre-release which I was pretty OK with until I saw that white got wingsteed rider's big lifelinking brother as it's promo rare. Well, at least it's pretty hard to build a good heroic deck in sealed anyway.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 11:28 am 
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Leucrocota doesn't have reach... otherwise I think it would be quite good. Man, green is not impressive at all is it. The big hero is OK, but 5 drop hero?

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:08 pm 
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I think the strive cards are being underrated in general.

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:15 pm 
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Jman22 wrote:
I think the strive cards are being underrated in general.

I think they're not getting as much press as they deserve, but I don't know anyone that's underrating them. It's just that since they're uncommon we can't expect to see them in every draft. But yeah, every color gets a 2-for-1 in the strive cycle, making combat that much more of a headache.

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:38 pm 
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rstnme wrote:
Jman22 wrote:
I think the strive cards are being underrated in general.

I think they're not getting as much press as they deserve, but I don't know anyone that's underrating them. It's just that since they're uncommon we can't expect to see them in every draft. But yeah, every color gets a 2-for-1 in the strive cycle, making combat that much more of a headache.

I think the blue, white, and green ones are all solid, but the red and black ones get a lot worse on account of not giving toughness.

In general, I expect control decks to become more viable, simply due to the number of removal spells being introduced. It'll be nice to be able to build a slow deck without having to worry about losing to one monster or thrice-bestowed hero.

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:52 pm 
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Man these discussions would be so much easier if WOTC just enabled the gatherer links before the prerelease. Not letting people comment on the cards or anything, just allow linking.

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:15 pm 
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Totally thought they were commons.

Shows you how much I've actually looked at this set. I am so gonna suck this weekend.

TPZombie, if they wanted to do that they would need to re-code those pages to not have the other gatherer functions. Seeing as how well they handle MODO, and that they have made extremely minimal changes to their marquee pages in the past 5+ years (and they look it, too) is probably a sign that the end result would just be more trouble than it is worth.

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:06 pm 
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So far I've loved using Armament of Nyx and Pinned Down. Pillowfort ftw?


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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:37 am 
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I recently read how Luis Scott-Vargas rated the best commons in JINX, so I thought it might be fun to compare our predictions. You all gave three best, so I will add my third, even though I gave only two in the original post. I'll display our predictions for each color in a table.

White: Ajani makes himself seen, and mortals are obstinate. Some beaters and a tapper make up the rest. rstnme's first choice is uncommon, so I left it out.

Rank |
Luis Scott-Vargas

| Supply-Line Cranes | | Eagle of the Watch | Mortal Obstinacy | Ajani's Presence
| Oreskos Swiftclaw | Mortal Obstinacy | Oreskos Swiftclaw | Ajani's Presence | Oreskos Swiftclaw
| Ajani's Presence | Ajani's Presence | Mortal Obstinacy | Oreskos Swiftclaw | Akroan Mastiff

Blue: Seems like blue is up to its tricks, it wants to humble people and fly over for the win. I have a feeling formation will go up and Hubris down as we play with full block a bit.

Rank |
Luis Scott-Vargas

| Hubris | Hubris | Triton Shorestalker | War-Wing Siren| Hubris
| Cloaked Siren | Triton Shorestalker | War-Wing Siren | Hubris | Pin to the Earth
| Aerial Formation | War-Wing Siren | Cloaked Siren |Aerial Formation | War-Wing Siren

Black: Everybody agrees on 1 and 2. Post three is removal, in one form or another. This probably means black is shallow in JINX. Zen gave an uncommon as third, so that's omitted.

Rank |
Luis Scott-Vargas

| Bloodcrazed Hoplite | Bloodcrazed Hoplite | Bloodcrazed Hoplite | Bloodcrazed Hoplite | Bloodcrazed Hoplite
| Feast of Dreams | Feast of Dreams | Feast of Dreams | Feast of Dreams | Feast of Dreams
| Pharika's Chosen | Pharika's Chosen | | Pharika's Chosen | Cast into Darkness

Red: Seems Shock is good even in the land of heroes. The much-missed one-drop hero is also on everybody's list. Starfall? Seems expensive, but probably LSV saw something I don't see.

Rank |
Luis Scott-Vargas

| Magma Spray | Bladetusk Boar | Satyr Hoplite | Magma Spray | Magma Spray
| Satyr Hoplite | Magma Spray | Magma Spray | Satyr Hoplite | Sigiled Skink
| Starfall | Satyr Hoplite | Sigiled Skink | Bladetusk Boar| Satyr Hoplite

Green: Gold is everywhere, and the rest is quite varied. Green is deep, in the whole block. It just need a bit of help with bombs from another color.

Rank |
Luis Scott-Vargas

| Golden Hind | Ravenous Leucrocota | Golden Hind | Humbler of Mortals | Golden Hind
| Oakheart Dryads | Font of Fertility | Humbler of Mortals | Golden Hind | Nature's Panoply
| Renowned Weaver | Golden Hind | Kruphix's Insight |Oakheart Dryads | Satyr Grovedancer

It will probably be fun coming back to this in later days of the format, looking at our guesses, and shaking our heads wryly. It's certainy been a learning experience for me, and will hopefully help me do better for the next set.

Edit: added corrections and additions up to April 30th, and my third ranks.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

Last edited by Zlehtnoba on Thu May 01, 2014 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:49 am 
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LSV put Starfall in his top 3 red cards? I dunno... 3 just seems so small in this format.

I guess maybe I should have splashed for the 3 I got in my Midnight flight.

I also think the green supply guy is preferable to the Oakheart Dryad.

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:10 am 
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You can add Ajani's Presence to my third in white. I thought that was uncommon when I made this.

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:11 pm 
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First of all, iconoclast is an uncommon.

2nd, here's my ratings:
presence, swiftclaw, mastiff

golden hind
nature's panoply
satyr grovedancer

pin to the earth
war-wing siren

magma spray
sigiled skink
satyr hoplite

bloodcrazed hoplite
feast of dreams
cast into darkness

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 Post subject: Re: JOU spoilers
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:50 pm 
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cast into darkness and pin to the earth?

Upon further reflection - I think my picks of Nightmarish End and Shorestalker are very wrong.... I am not even sure 1/1 unblockables are even playable.

Sigiled Starfish might be the 3rd best blue common.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
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