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SOM draft - seriously tough decision
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Author:  British Falcon [ Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  SOM draft - seriously tough decision

This is the board state.

My opponent 6 life, no cards in hand. Board: Myr Smith, 2 Myr, Porcelain Legionnaire and Thundering Tanadon. My opponent is playing Boros aggro with lots of burn.

Me - 1 life, cards in hand (Spire Monitor, BSZ, Vedalkan Alchemist, Swamp), 6 Islands and 3 Swamps in play together with a Serum Drake.

What do you do?

I'll post what I did and how it worked out tomorrow.

Author:  ajunior148 [ Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

I play the swamp.

Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

What is BSZ? Also, autocarding helps, especially with these older sets.

Author:  British Falcon [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

Sorry here are the autocards. Let me know what you would do:

Opponent 6 life, no cards in hand. Board: Myrsmith, 2 Myr, Porcelain Legionnaire and Thundering Tanadon. My opponent is playing Boros aggro with lots of burn.

Me - 1 life, cards in hand (Spire Monitor, Black Sun's Zenith, Vedalken Anatomist, Swamp), 6 Islands and 3 Swamps in play together with a Serum Raker.

Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

Option one: attack with the Serum Raker, play the Black Sun's Zenith for two, discard Anatomist to the Raker trigger, play Swamp, pass. This gives you a blocker for the trampler (the flash flyer). You die to haste or burn topdeck, but not to sorcery-speed creature removal. You hope that the creatures trade.

Option two: attack with the Serum Raker, play the Black Sun's Zenith for four, discard Swamp to the Raker trigger, play Vedalken Anatomist, pass. You die to burn topdeck, probably not to haste.

Two seems better on all counts. You need to play the Black Sun's Zenith, and the decision seems to be how much to play it for. I'd go for the wipe.

Author:  British Falcon [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

Actually option 1 is the best play and the play I made.

Option 1 means he has a 2/1 creature (having cast BSZ for 3). My 3/3 is lethal on his next turn so he needs to topdeck burn to win (but that wins no matter what the option) or pump either to trade or win.

Option 2 gives him 3 turns to draw a win con as the Anatmoist only has one power.

I went with one and he topdecked a +1/+1 pump so we traded.
I drew an Oculus and he drew Burn the Impure.
I attack him to 2.
I draw a blank and he draws a land (which he plays).
I attack him to 1.

I draw Vapor Snag and attack for the win. He burns the Oculus and I draw a creature (can't remember what). He draws a creature.

I win.

One of the most epic finishes to a game that I have played.

As it happens, I would have one with option 2 although my anatomist would have died instantly to the burn spell my opponent drew.

Author:  Jman22 [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

My serious answer is I wouldn't play SOM draft because it is miserable.

The answer to the question is that I would cast the BSZ and hope to get there.

Author:  British Falcon [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

Why's it miserable? I really like it as a format as there are so many different types of deck to play:

Infect (BG, BU, WB, RG and RB are all viable infect decks)
Metalcraft - again multiple colour combinations
Burn - there was a lot of burn in the set

Author:  Niche [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

Swing 3.

BSZ for 4.

Discard Swamp to Raker.

Play Anatomist.

Untap, pass turn and EOT cast Spire monitor.

He's dead in 2 turns from this line and you are only dead to burn off the top. Burn the Impure still answers the Spire Monitor, but you threatened death in 2 turns and maximized your resources and the 3/3 flyer with haste in your hand. If he didn't have the mana for the burn the impure after casting oculus you actually just win with this line.

Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

Actually option 1 is the best play and the play I made.

Option 1 means he has a 2/1 creature (having cast BSZ for 3). My 3/3 is lethal on his next turn so he needs to topdeck burn to win (but that wins no matter what the option) or pump either to trade or win.

Option 2 gives him 3 turns to draw a win con as the Anatmoist only has one power.

I went with one and he topdecked a +1/+1 pump so we traded.
I drew an Oculus and he drew Burn the Impure.
I attack him to 2.
I draw a blank and he draws a land (which he plays).
I attack him to 1.

I draw Vapor Snag and attack for the win. He burns the Oculus and I draw a creature (can't remember what). He draws a creature.

I win.

One of the most epic finishes to a game that I have played.

As it happens, I would have one with option 2 although my anatomist would have died instantly to the burn spell my opponent drew.

On the other hand, if you killed his critter and played the Anatomist, his pump would be a dead draw, and you could flash in the 3/3 flier for the kill. As Niche said. The only card I can think of that punishes you for playing the Anatomist is the Threaten variant (can't remember the name right now).

Anyway, congrats on the win.

Author:  British Falcon [ Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SOM draft - seriously tough decision

Yes, you're right he does only get two draw steps not three with the anatomist play with drake coming down the next turn.

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