I guess this could be in a thread titled "THAT" draft format because I drove 4 hours one way to Reno to play in a draft (OK I was going out that way anyway) and they ran BNG-BNG-THS. Which was odd. Also only 7 drafters.
P1P1 Fall of the Hammer
P1P2 Fall of the Hammer
P1P3 Fall of the Hammer
I followed this up with some green although the guy to my left was Bg and got all the trompers, and who passed me 2 hammers ended up WR heroic (?) I ended up with 3 Pharagax Giants (only played 2) and a wheeled time to feed to go with the hammers. And a sedge scorpion.
My Theros pack had something like: Griptide, Sea God's Revenge, Vaporkin and Triton Fortune Hunter... Sea God's Revenge wheeled (?!?!) and I took it but I ended up not splashing it (oddly no fixing at all). Once again I ended up hating a bunch of black cards in pack 3 (pick 6 Keepsake Gorgon? and pick 7 sip?).
Match 1 was pretty good but I won 2-0...second game thanks to a topdecked sideboard Setassan Starbreaker to kill his aqueous form. He had a new combo which was
Kiora's Follower and
Scourge of Skola Vale. I triple blocked his now blockable 5/5 hydra to 3 for 1 myself (kiora's follower was tapped and next turn he could have made an 8/8 assuming he played no cards)... and luckily he topdecked land and I didn't.
Match 2 I lost when I mulled to 5 in game 3 and ran into _triple_
nullify. Game 1 I won on a starting 9 of 3xFall, scorpion, time to feed and 4 land. Game 2 I couldn't beat his
Sphinx's Disciple's card draw, after playing around nullify the whole game.
Match 3 was against super annoying magic player playing super annoying life gain durdle deck. Took me the whole 50 minutes to win 2 game, and probably should have lost the 2nd game due to unable to draw any removal or tramplers... he top decked a god's willing but didn't realize he could use it to deny my a block (I won with 1 life, hit 9 times by
Decorated Griffin +1 incidental damage). A draw would have cost me 3rd place and a pack.