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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:29 am 
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Joined: Sep 26, 2013
Posts: 412
Identity: Banana
Preferred Pronoun Set: buhnuhnuh
My store had a Modern Masters event on Monday. First prize was a Wasteland. The draft pod was very good - one of the better our shop could produce I'd imagine.

Pack 1

I first picked a Mulldrifter over an Amrou Scout.

I took a Search with my second pick.

I regretted this as Rebels floated toward me and I was passing them and eventually I took a Blightspeaker and Bound in Silence to hedge.

My Green cards were drying up - I was being cut. I floundered about in pack one. I wish I had a pick order, but I took Tarpitcher, a Bonespliter, and some other quality cards to hedge. My pack one was a total mess and while I wasn't scared, I wasn't close to thrilled. I knew I wouldn't be playing against Ham Sandwich over and over again and I'd need some real cards.

Pack 2

This pack was really good for me because I hadn't been passing much playable Green and it flowed to me this pack.

P1P1 was a Careful Consideration. I took the foil and passed a nonfoil.

I racked up 2 Kodama's Reach, an Eternal Witness, and a Kitchen Finks.

I slowly started to formulate a plan to win. I had picked up a Durkwood Baloth and an Ephemeron at some point, but idiots had stopped flowing.

The second Careful wheeled and I was in shock.

I had picked up a late Horobi's Whisper.

I wheeled a Dampen Thought I had noticed. We had a plan.

Pack 3

I forgot my first pick here. This actually might have been the Witness.

I got an Electrolyze and some other junk.

I have a hard decision. Finks #2 or Whisper #2. I take the Whisper.

I notice early I'll be wheeling a Peer Through Depths, a Dampen, and a Foil Peer Through Depths.

I get the Dampen and Peer on the wheel. I expect the Foil Peer to be in the following pack. I pick it up and it isn't there. My heart sinks. I suddenly realize I probably don't have a deck. I'm an idiot and I should have been taking Spell Snares and rares. I passed some good ones. I need to win this to cash. Someone cash grabbed a foil Peer Through Depths. WHO DOES THAT?

In my next pack, I realize my pack count was off. The Peer shines at me lovingly. We have a deck.


So here's the deck. I'm listing relevant SB cards. This isn't an archetype and I've never seen anything really like this before. I think I only passed a single Glacial Ray - the aggressive players were sucking them up.

While this deck was successful for me, I can't recommend drafting it because my success was on the back of a lot of uncommons.


7 Island
6 Forest
2 Swamp
1 Plains
1 Vivid Crag
1 Vivid Meadow

1 Kitchen Finks
1 Eternal Witness
1 Mulldrifter

1 Reach Through Mists
2 Peer Through Depths
2 Dampen Thought
2 Kodama's Reach
1 Search for Tomorrow
2 Erratic Mutation
1 Thirst for Knowledge
2 Horobi's Whisper
1 Electrolyze
1 Bound in Silence
2 Careful Consideration
2 Petals of Insight

1 Durkwood Baloth
1 Errant Ephemeron
1 Trygon Predator
1 Cenn's Enlistment
1 Terashi's Grasp

Round 1

Domain against the buddy I came with.

Game 1
He gets an Imperiosaur down and is beating me down with it and some other random idiots. I can't Bound it because he has an Aether Spellbomb in play and a Cloudskate on suspend. I overestimate the number of times I can run the no-blocks with my deck (Obviously, I haven't played it before) and I get murdered with a Tribal Flames before I can win.

Game 2
I board out my Mutations as his guys are big and I bring in a Terashi's Grasp (Mantas) and an Trygon to block and be annoying.

He stumbles out the gate, but I mulligan.

My draw is good though; I get to assemble my engine.

If you guys are missing it, once my deck starts going, it keeps going. The huge density of card draw and selection mean I just blast through my library while ramping and fixing. The filtering combined with Horobi's Whisper absolutely takes over just about any boardstate.

He is milled.

Game 3

He has a good start, but so do I. I turn 1 Search, turn 2 Vivid, turn 3 Consideration and the game is basically over. He hangs around and draws cards with Etched Oracle, but he can't realistically kill me through my idiots.

Round 2

John R/G Storm

This is the guy that was cutting the Green idiots I wanted and I noticed. I heard him blowing out a very good affinity deck, but we were at different tables so I didn't know exactly what he had, but I was scared. You saw my deck, right?

Game 1

He has a great start. He suspends a Baloth and does some other Jazz. Eventually, his suspends pop and he Empties against me for 6.

I run my patented no blocks for a turn, and then he plays a Swamp into...MAD AUNTIE. I freak the **** out. I'm not dead on board, but I'm really damn close. In combat, I Thirst into a Erratic Mutation to kill the Auntie.

He suspends a Lotus Bloom late in the game.

I play a Kitchen Finks and we kind of go back and forth. Mulldrifter joins the fray to be an effective blocker. Eventually, I attrition him out of gas and he asks me how I win. He hasn't seen a Dampen yet and I probably have about 6 cards in my library. Unfortunately for him, I've been sculpting. I reach critical mass and blow his head off.

I played around the Echoing Strength and eventually I'm rewarded when I see him cast it (Get whispered, kid) .

Game 2

I'm absolutely terrified. His deck is scary and I saw 3 Empties when I was milling him. Luckily, he tanks for a long while and finally decides not to mulligan.

I wonder what he was tanking over and I soon find out he doesn't have much pressure.

I'm able to make land drops and scult unmolested for far too long.

His first play is a Penumbra Spider which beats me down to 12 before I play a Kitchen Finks and go to 14.

On 7, he plays a Verdeloth and kicks it once. I Whisper it spliced end of turn.

He has a Swamp, Four Forest, and Two Mountains. He plays his Third Mountain and I discover why he kept.


He goes to combat and swings with 14 power in land, a Spider, and a Saproling into my Finks.

I tank.

I block Mountain.

I Peer splicing a Whisper and kill a Mountain. I hit a second Whisper and Whisper splicing Whisper to kill his Swamp and a Forest.

Mountain Trades with Finks.

I take 9 and gain 2. End of turn, I Electrolyze his summoning sick mountain.

I untap and take over.

Round 3

Some guy I don't know playing bombs in RB Goblins. (Kokusho, Redcap 2x, Kiki-Jiki) He has removal and Rathi Trappers.

Game 1

He mulligans to 5. I lead with search into vivid into Careful and it is gg in all but formalities.

Game 2

I board out one Petals for a Cenn's Enlistment.

He gets off to a fast start and I'm behind.

Cenn's Enlistment is in my opener.

On turn 4, he cast Ravens Crime.

I panic.

My entire deck is designed around keeping my hand count very high so I can do splice shenanigans and make land drops.

I tank.

I realize that won't be possible this game. I discard Dampen Thought.

He plays a Swamp and retraces. I discard.

My fourth turn, I make a land drop and slam Enlistment.

Basically, I make tokens while he keeps my hand close to empty. He gets evasive guys, Redcap, and Rathi trapper.

I eventually Bound in Silence the Redcap.

I have tokens on tokens. At some point, he makes an attack that allows me to begin the race.

He chumps with a Festering Goblin and his 3/3 Gravedigger and I electrolyze the digger. I am floating 2 cards in hand at this point. I discard when he crimes me and I can go Witness into Electrolyze to mop up the Trapper.

Eventually I get a Mulldrifter down. The influx of cards gets me out from under the Crime softlock. I Erratic Mutation his 2/2 flyer (Finks on bottom) and stay aggressive.

I'm at 3 life, trying to fade Rift Bolt and Kiki-Jiki (Redcap).

I Mutation his last relevant scary thing with 8 mana in play. I hit Finks again. I count and realize all my library other than Finks (3 cards) are land. I Reach into a Land and Retrace Enlistment.

Next turn, I swing for exacties through a topdecked chump blocker.

I won the Wasteland.

[Dredge 4] Life

Untapping teh Pimp since '03.

TSR lives.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:13 am 

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What does B^) mean?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:37 pm 
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Joined: Sep 25, 2013
Posts: 1094
I drafted this same deck in one of my 3 MM drafts. It's fine, but I had triple whisper so the power level gets way bumped there.

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