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PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:15 am 

Joined: Apr 01, 2017
Posts: 429
Identity: male
Preferred Pronoun Set: he
This is, to date, my finest effort in HOU-HOU-AKH draft:


3-0, 6-0. Probably should have played the second Striped Riverwinder over Magma Spray on the splash. That card looks bad, but in the late game, it is excellent. It just stops dead most critters.

Deck has that most cherished thing, fat blue critters, and a lot of stalling power to get there. Plus two bombs, which put it over the top. I could even search for the Sphinx with the Vizier.

Notable plays were a turn three Cartouche of Knowledge on the Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs, in response to the opponent playing a Rhet-Crop Spearmaster. They put Compulsory Rest on my Wall next turn, but it did not end well for them.

The best play, though, came in game one of the finals, agains a BW Zombies deck. They were at 20 life, had me down to five, with Wayward Servant on board and a few creatures in their grave. Things were looking grim, and then they dropped the Scarab God. Which, ironically, was the only thing that could have saved me. I stole it with the Last word, and staged an epic comeback, Eternalizing a lifelink creature from their grave. They did play a Bontu the Glorified a few turns later, which would have been a sweet way for them to finish me off, but Kefnet had something to say about that :)

Yours in calendrical heresy, UA

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