No Goblins Allowed

limited stories (throwback)
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Author:  Zenbitz [ Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  limited stories (throwback)

This was just too funny a story not to tell. We ran a KTK draft a couple weeks ago, although it pretty heavy on the last 18 months of sets.

I P1P1'd Trail of Mystery and like every morph. Sadly, there were 3 of us in a row going 5 color so I didn't get all the lands I needed. I think I splashed Wingmate Roc on 4-5 white sources.

G1M1, opponent has Butcher of the Horde, I have 4 3/4 fliers (Wingmate Roc + token and 2 Abominations.
Opponent chump attacks with a 2/2 and casts Howl of the Horde+Mardu Charm to kill 3 fliers.

Game 3 HE DOES IT AGAIN, killing 3 of my guys.

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