No Goblins Allowed

worst prerelease pool
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Author:  Johnny [ Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  worst prerelease pool

So this is 2HG where different considerations are used when deck building

I'll list what looks like some of our better rares but actually are barely playable

Lupine Prototype unplayable in 2HG
Falkenrath Gorger You'd be lucky to get through 2 points with this
Hanweir Garrison Looks great at 1st glance and we did run it, but it never got through damage, it's stats just don't measure up for combat in 2hg.
Fortified Village love cracking packs opening rare lands but hate seeing them in my sealed pool when an uncommon land serves the same

Season's Past was nice but green was the worst color

the prize rares were

2x the mythic Deploy the gatewatch
1x Harness the storm
1x Harmless offering
the stupid wish for an eldrazi
and return all lands to the battlefield tapped card

Bruna was about the only rare/mythic we opened that we ran and was ok.

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