OK, this deck turned out pretty solid, although the mana base could be a little frustrating.
Draft started out with a very tough pick of Heliod's Emissary over
sylvan carytid Turns out in the deck I ended up with, the mana dork would have been pretty boss. But HE is a great card.
P1P2 was a lightning bolt that my son passed me, but he picked a red rare over it so my red pretty much dried up. I shipped a bunch of green to the left and ended up just picking some random cards in 4 colors (no blue) becuase white and red were getting cut.I did get a pretty early Purphorus's Emissary but that was it.
P2P1 I crack... Polukranos, the world eater. So I take it and I see what goes. Pack two wasn't awesome but I got a few green cards and a few white cards (hundred handed one) Pack 3 saved - me cracking a boon satyr and the green flowed freely. I did have to take a Nessian Asp over Hero's Downfall which my KID passed me thinking I would have to take it for the $10. He even ended up in black!
Hopeful Eidolon 2
Leafcrown Dryad 1
Voyaging Satry 1
Boon Satyr 1
Observant Alseid 1
Reverent Hunter 1
Hundred-Handed One 1
Karametra's Acolyte 1
Polukranos, World Eater 2
Nylea's Disciple 1
Purphoros's Emissary 2
Heliod's Emissary 1
Nessian Asp 1
Vulpine Goliath2
Last Breath 1
Nylea's Presence 1
Lightning Strike 1
Time to Feed 1
Fade into Antiquity10 Forest
5 Plains
2 Mountain
Hunt the Hunter - this I did board in against a green deck.
Ray of Dissolution 1
Satyr Hedonist 2
Agent of Horizons 2
Cavalry Pegasus 1
Battlewise Valor 1
Satry Rambler 1
Ill-Tempered Cyclops 1
Priest of Iroas Deck oddly ended up really light on non-creature spells. Given the _8_ 4 drops I figured that the last breath would be of more utility than the pegasi.
I don't really have much of a games report. Match 1 I drew after mulliing to 5 game 1 and winning a long game 2.
The long game 2 was kind of funny. I ended up trading a hundred-handed one for a sedge scorpion with ordeal of erebos on it. Then played an Asp only to have him play Keepsake Gorgon on his turn! But I ended up with a huge voltron asp (with lifelink and heliod's emissary) before he mostrified to kill it. Still the Emissary kept him tapped down.
Matches 2 and 3 were dominated by my opponent getting mana screwed, although one game I won after mulling to 5. I never got to activate the monsterous on Polukranos because the only time I had the mana and the need I was facing deathtouch guys... and hydrae apparently can't eat poison.
Now that I think about it, I wonder if Hundred handed one was too greedy a splash here. He wasn't hard to cast... but I think getting
might have been a bit of a reach. Maybe not though.
Also because it was my birthday, the store let me draft for free and cracked another Polukranos. So that made up for passing the carytid ($6) and hero's downfall ($8).