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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 5:46 am 
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The place to post your results!

I got three in today!
First, 2-1 with U/B Rez/Sac

Second, SUPER LUCKY! 3-0 Mono-Green Elves (mostly)

Third, 2-1 G/R Elves!

Elves is serious. They crushed me and I did very well with two totally different decks.
Plague Witch is actually pretty useful. Does a good job stalling out aggro decks and there is enough recursion/rez in black to make it a bit of a threat.
Be wary, there is so much flying!
The format seems somewhat fast but probably more mid-rangey right now. It wouldn't surprise me if it gets faster as things go on.
Green seems to have strong game and Black seems to be the weakest.

"I love you like Kanye love Kanye" - Dan Rawdon

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:14 pm 
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Yesterday went 0-2 with U/B Control

1 x Glacial Wall
1 x Man-o'-War
1 x Sprite Noble
2 x Deadbridge Shaman
1 x Phyrexian Rager
1 x Cephalid Sage
2 x Phantom Monster
1 x Mindless Automaton
1 x Shoreline Ranger
1 x Visara the Dreadful
1 x Havoc Demon

1 x Daze
4 x Counterspell
1 x Winter Orb
2 x Gaseous Form

1 x Maze of Ith
11 x Island
7 x Swamp


Bad Draft. I'm not 100% on signals for the flashback deck besides Young Pyromancer and Burning Vengeance so I had no idea it was open until Vengeance came rolling through late pack 3 :(. I started looking at W/B tokens because I wasn't seeing any ETB creatures. White dried up quick and it looked more like Black Sac. Pack 2 was Visara followed by Guide so I thought rez might be possible. Nothing came up though so I focused on Black and tried to get some good red. The only red I saw were the Cathars and the Firebolt. Not enough to move into aggro so late, no white, and no support for true rez. By late pack 2 I decided U/B control with some top end monsters and focused on snagging anything to slow down the board and my opponent. Pack 3 gave me 3 counterspells and I thought I had a solid deck.

Round 1

Round 2

I suck at control.
It didn't make sense why Counterspell was common in the set until's just hard to get good mana efficiency out of it. There are too many fast plays out there.
Winter Orb blew big fat chunks. Too many non-land mana sources and too many cheap plays. I sided it out every match.

"I love you like Kanye love Kanye" - Dan Rawdon

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:01 am 
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2-1 with G/W enchantments today.
1 x Llanowar Elves
3 x Mistral Charger
1 x Soulcatcher
1 x Eight-and-a-Half-Tails
1 x Thornweald Archer
1 x Mesa Enchantress
2 x Yavimaya Enchantress
2 x Emperor Crocodile

2 x Seal of Strength
1 x Humble
2 x Sylvan Might
1 x Ancestral Mask
4 x Elephant Guide
1 x Roots
1 x Green Sun's Zenith

1 x Blossoming Sands
9 x Forest
6 x Plains


P1P1 was 8 tails over nothing really...Glimmerpoint Stag and Flinthoof Boar were the only other choices. Decided to try for U/W fliers. P1P2 may have been my first mistake. I took Soulcatcher over Goblin Trenches and Warden of Evos Isle...there was also Shaman of the Pack, Timberwatch Elf, and 2 x Innocent Blood. I wanted to do something different than elves and wasn't sure if I could pull together a good trenches deck vs an easy in-color flier supporter. Fliers dried up pretty quick and green came my way but elves dried up by then so I was just hoping for an efficient G/W deck. P2P1 Zenith solidified that. Two Elephant Guides popped into my lap when there were no better options and I forced Enchantments in pack 3.

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Goblin Trenches was pretty nuts...I don't think I'll be passing that up again soon.
Enchantments is real strong when it goes, but there was so much bounce and Roots type removal that made Elephant Guide's greatest strength a real nothing it was a bit annoying. You need a quick game for it.
Green Sun's Zenith is insane, but that's not new.
Emperor Crocodile continues to be beastly for me. It was also nice that enchantment based removal made it sticking around so much more likely.

"I love you like Kanye love Kanye" - Dan Rawdon

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:07 pm 
YMtC Champ '12
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I've been having a ton of success with Eternal Masters, pushing my MTGO account way over the top with funds. Here are some of my 3-0 decks.

RG Threshold

RUG Threshold

4c Reanimator

UWg Future Sight

Dies to Removal | Karados

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 12:54 am 
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EMA Drafts are back and i love EMA drafts, Double hard wrath, but potentially quadruple wrath control deck

made finals against U/W control with 2 Wrath of gods. So we went 1-1-1 with games going 20-30 minutes and ending with a couple cards in our decks

Crater Hellion
Giant Tortoise
2x Gravedigger
Peregrine Drake
Phantom Monster
Phyrexian Rager
Pilgrim's eye
Twisted Abomination
Wee Dragonauts
2x Deep Analysis
Control Magic
Future Sight
Night's Whisper
2x Toxic Deluge 1 foil paid the way
2x Tragic Slip
3x Swiftwater Cliffs
Dismal Backwater
Bloodfell Caves

Thurgood Jenkins

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