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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 10:27 am 
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Joined: Sep 23, 2013
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Identity: Goblin Piker
So, my brother just finished up Grad School (yay to him congrats!) and is moving back to ATL for his new fancy job. We went to a local nerd bar to draft last thursday so he could have something to do and we could hang out.

I don't have his exact deck, but he drafted blue/white spirit tempo in the first draft, and split for second beating my red green wolves in the semis.

Draft two he went blue black control and lost in the first round to a blue white control deck that just happened to have that mill 13 mythic to win both games. I ended up winning against the white/blue deck playing mill, splashing for 4 green cards but mono-blue otherwise.

My mill deck is as follows:
2 x gone missing
2 x manic scribe
2 x fleeting memories
3 x Trail of Evedence
1 x Deny Existence
1 x Broken Concentration
1 x seagraf skaab
1 x silent observer
1 x stiched mangler
1 x Jace's Scrutiny
2 x Press for Answers
2 x fork in the road
2 x confront the unknown
1 x compelling deterrence
2 x drownyard explorers

I really just wanted to share the awesome bit about my brother winning his first draft in 7 years and this awesome mill deck I assembled.

Twitter: (at)MrEnglish22 if you want to reach me
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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 1:09 pm 
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Joined: Dec 07, 2013
Posts: 3433
Wow, five creatures. Awesome.

And you made me feel quite old, since I'm probably older than you and your brother together.

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 6:59 pm 
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Joined: Sep 23, 2013
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Identity: Goblin Piker
Zlehtnoba wrote:
Wow, five creatures. Awesome.

And you made me feel quite old, since I'm probably older than you and your brother together.

Yeah, round one I had T2 and T3 Manic Scribe, and game 2 I managed to have T3 Scribe, and then had the second one T6 or so. Opponent was on red/green werewolves. A few well placed bounce spells kept him from running me over. Round two I played against the guy who took out my brother (a good friend of mine) that was running the mill spell. His deck wasn't aggressive enough, and I spent turn 10 activating five clues in game 2.

Well we are both 26 (He turns 27 in August) So I'm not too sure about the age.
We started playing in 2001, he stopped when we went to college.

Twitter: (at)MrEnglish22 if you want to reach me
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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 2:34 am 
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So, I started playing when my older son brought home some cards he and his college friends were fooling around with. That year, Saga was all the rage. For some years, it was just kitchen table. Then me and my younger started going to prereleases. Then MODO came, and paper fell by the wayside.

I've got five years on your sum :)

Go draft, young man, go draft!

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2016 6:16 pm 
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Joined: Sep 23, 2013
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Identity: Goblin Piker
TIL you're an old fart :P

But really, it is awesome how so many different people play Magic.

Twitter: (at)MrEnglish22 if you want to reach me
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