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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:26 am 
YMtC Champ '12
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No really.

Post your thoughts, decks, draft logs, and so on. My second deck had only two basic lands. :V

P.S. - Captain Sisay is so first-pickable.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:20 am 
YMtC Champ '12
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Initial take-away: While there may be actual synergistic decks (there's an artifact deck in there somewhere, 5C might be a thing, samurais, dragons, etc.), so far it feels like everyone is just trying to do the biggest, most powerful thing possible. Aggro is a thing you can draft because everyone is so slow, but you really need to prioritize the fixing-lands to make that a reality. Otherwise, there are at least 15 2C-mana-rocks and they all seem important for making your mana smooth and fast enough to play your ridiculously good card first. Doing well so far, will post some deck images soon.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:21 am 
YMtC Champ '12
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3-0 five-color aggro


Lost one game to mana issues that went really, really long, but otherwise, my opponents just didn't do meaningful things fast enough. This is an odd format.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:09 am 
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I hard cast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn I believe 3 times. Then finally got to cheat him out with the rings combo in the last possible game.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 1:17 pm 

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Esper control seems to be the best in this format to me by far. I have drafted it 4 times and 3-0'd single elim's in 3 of them.

1 for 1 their very big threats early, then eventually take over with card advantage. The only deck I saw that caused it problems was a 5 color deck with lots of card draw, too.

Dismantling Blow has been great for me. I ended up main boarding it the last couple of drafts and only once was it dead, and it was very often a 3 for one with a card like the artifact that draws a card on your upkeep and pings for 1, or the 5 color enchantment that gives your first spells cascade.

It seems to me like it is very difficult to get synergy in this set. I tried to force an artifact deck for fun and it was terrible.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 4:53 pm 
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No really.

Post your thoughts, decks, draft logs, and so on. My second deck had only two basic lands. :V

P.S. - Captain Sisay is so first-pickable.

I've only done 2 drafts, I got like a 6th pick sissy """WHAT"" I share your opinion on the sissy captain. so in one game a sissy went unchecked where i activated about 8 times, once just for a land as i was running low on relevant things to grab. end game opp was top decking and i had 6 cards in hand.

Also Sigarda is a beast too.

Thurgood Jenkins

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:15 pm 
YMtC Champ '12
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ajunior148 wrote:
Dismantling Blow has been great for me. I ended up main boarding it the last couple of drafts and only once was it dead, and it was very often a 3 for one with a card like the artifact that draws a card on your upkeep and pings for 1, or the 5 color enchantment that gives your first spells cascade.

One-to-two pieces of artifact removal is very main-deckable in this format, especially when its cards like Scrap, Dismantling Blow, and Wear//Tear. I've rarely been sad to have the latter two. So, I completely agree with you. Even the aggro decks tend to rock equipment.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:05 pm 
YMtC Champ '12
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M1G1: I keep a marginal 5 land, Anafenza, Unexpectedly Absent hand. I start flooding, but Ana is getting some beats in. I follow up with Kemba, but have no equipment to make her awesome. Still, because this is Legendary Cube, my opponent plays Duress, Kolaghan's Command, and is mostly not committing to the board. I draw into Sidar Jabari which keeps the opposing monsters tapped and finish the whole thing off with Jazal Goldmane.

M1G2: I turn two Ana again and my opponent lays out Pernicious Deed. I off that with Wear//Tear and my opponent is fuming. They play some tapped lands while I again bring out Jazal. They threaten to make things awkward with Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief, but I Unexpectedly Absent it away, and there's just nothing my opponent's slow deck can do.

M2G1: I start with a slow turn two Ashling the Pilgrim. My turn three Brimaz gets Vensered back to my hand. My turn four Kalemne gets copied by my opponent's answering Sakashima. At this point, my opponent's hand is nearly empty and they have 7 mana ready to dispose whatever nightmare they're holding. Enter Unexpectedly Absent, the undeniable all-star of this tournament. I bury the Sakashima three deep and go to work with my double-striker. Opponent ends the game with 10 mana sources and nothing to cast.

M2G2: Here I curve Isamaru into Asling the Pilgrim into Mikaeus, the Lunarch, aiming to get in a ton of damage while my opponent ramps into whatever game-changer they're planning. On turn four, I decide that I'm only losing this to a sweeper, so I play Kytheon and hold up Unexpectedly Absent/indestructible activation, which proves right since my opponent casts Akroma's Vengeance to 3-for-3 my creatures and their mana rocks away. Kythoen + Kalemne take me the rest of the way.

M3G1: Turn 1 Zurgo. Turn 2 Mikaeus. Turn 4 Jazal. Turn 5 Jiwari. Turn 6 Kamahl. My opponent played a pair of bad blockers along the way and removed my Jazal, but it just wasn't close to enough.

M3G2: I lay down a turn two Anafenza to match my opponent's Eight-and-a-Half-Tails. I get Kemba out and they V-Clique my hand seeing both my equipment. One gets bottomed, but Tenza remains. I equip Kemba up and beat in, waiting for the horde of cats to come alive (with Anafenza still lingering). My opponent takes one draw steps and just quits.

This was obviously just one tournament. I feel like I drew well and that having Unexpectedly Absent every game was a boon. But these games just weren't even close. I feel like aggro is sorely underappreciated in this Cube.

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