Black is the worst color for allies in that format. Sell-sword is the worst of his cycle and almost all other black allies are crap.
Agadeem Occultist is the only good one, but he's a rare in worldwake, so...
If we go for allies, the pick would
Oran-Rief Survivalist. He's good enough on his own and green allies are significantly better than black ones (though still not my favorite color for allies... I much prefer blue and white). However, if we do go the ally route, we'll probably abandon our nighthawk.
I don't quite remember how good blazing torch was. The interaction with zombies and vampires is significantly less relevant than in innistrad, but it's still useful. On the flip side, creatures with 2 toughness or less are a lot more important in zendikar than they were in innistrad, so its removal mode is better.
Quest for the Gravelord was very hit or miss. Amazing if you can get it turn 1 and have sufficient removal to back it up, but terrible topdeck. Overall, I'd avoid it.
Guul Draz Vampire requires your deck to be very aggressive. Can be pretty potent with early equipments. Once it kicks in, it becomes a significant threat, but unless you equip it, it doesn't help you get there very well. I typically avoided them unless they were late or my deck was right for them.
Spire Barrage was very solid if you were very red. It's a card you can often pick late because not everyone's interested in it.
This pack is pretty tough. In the end, I'll listen to my bias towards looters and pick
Reckless Scholar, though I'm interested in hearing other people's opinion.