i felt like i was being handed a monster. I'm pretty sure i was the only white drafter at the table which went great with my P1-1. Too early to feel the format personally but it feel like this may be a master piece. and that is with my decision to rare draft at any moment in the draft. you'll notice some bomb cards in the sideboard and that may be a mistake, ill include deck building theory and application below deck.
Expedition Envoy2
Reckless Cohort1
Kor Castigator2
Makindi Patrol1
Chasm Guide1
Munda, Ambush Leader P3-1
Kor Entanglers 1
Hero of Goma Fada P3-2
Shadow Glider1
Courier Griffin1
Ghostly Sentinelnon creatures1
Lithomancer's Focus P3-14
Gideon's Reproach1
Ondu Rising 2
Sheer Drop1
Encircling Fissure1
Planar Outburst P1-1
Turn Against P2-5
Sideboard card brought in
Ghostly Sentinel1
Roil's Retribution1
Serpentine Spike P1-4
Smite the MonstrousSideboard at the ready never got used
Felidar Cub1
Ondu Greathorn1
Fortified Rampart1
Eldrazi Devastator1
Sheer drop1
Volcanic UpheavalAfter a clear cut P1-1
Planar Outburst I felt like a control deck is what i want to draft, I value the
Sheer Drop and
Gideon's Reproach high, but would default to the best white creature in the pack, usually an Ally. I could of easily went Mono white and
Reckless Cohort was my worst creature but after doing an ally count with the synergies I chose to keep them in. each other non ally had flying evasion. Through out the draft I had a deck identity crisis. Am I an Ally aggro deck, or a control deck with cards like
Eldrazi Devastator. Normally would be my downfall in the draft but literally every white card I passed that i wanted wheeled. The turn against mid pack 2 wasn't as much a signal as i think passer undervaluing it or had a bomb red card ahead of it. I hadn't seen much red in either direction. That the point i decided red was the splash. I really wanted to play with that card. You'll notice cards most consider P1-1
Roil's Retribution and
Serpentine strike (Cone of Flame on steroids) weren't main deck and I questioned it myself. I felt my other 5 drops were better and I didn't want to make my deck too clunky. I only needed bring them in once in finals.
If I learned anything it's you should probably just value
Munda, Ambush Leader as a haste guy. his Rally trigger doesn't go to the hand. the game state needs to be very clear where your wanting to top deck ally's. In one game I had to quit playing ally's because i was digging to Planar Outburst and did a deck count of like 7 cards i haven't seen in my deck. Finally forced to play out ally chump blockers and choosing to miss the Rally trigger
went 4-0 and played pack wars after with winnings
Expedition Smoldering Marsh Behind a Kiora. Sweetest pack i think i've ever opened