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DLCR: Voyage's end
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Author:  Cato [ Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  DLCR: Voyage's end

Bounce spells vary by format, and also by deck. How good is this one?

Author:  Filobel [ Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DLCR: Voyage's end

I think pretty much everyone agrees that it's amazing in the format in almost every deck playing blue. In addition to the usual tempo advantage and the scrying, it negates undoes monstruous, many of the heroic abilities, gets rid of most auras, counters combat tricks and even when the aura is a bestow aura, typically, it's easier to handle the two creatures than the single enchanted one.

In more tempo/aggressive decks, the tempo gain is often pretty huge and in more controlish/grindy decks, it's necessary to prevent blowouts by aggressive decks (since there aren't that many cheap removal available).

I usually don't like bounce all that much in draft unless I'm playing a very tempo oriented deck, but in this format, I'm picking voyage's end very highly.

Author:  Zenbitz [ Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DLCR: Voyage's end

I think the only question is: Under what circumstances do you take Griptide instead? After the 3rd Voyages' End? Also, do you splash a 3rd color for it?

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