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Speed Rounds - Need Input
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Author:  squinty_eyes [ Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Speed Rounds - Need Input

So, a buddy of mine asked me to build a cube for full drafts, and then 1v1 play. This is the first draft of it, but I could really use some input. The current themes are:

- Midrange Birds
- Control
- Dragons / Stompy (splashing )
- Reanimator (splashing for targets)
- Aggro
- Mana accel / Stompy
- Burn
- Slivers

Any and all suggestions are very much appreciated. I started this cube only about a day and a half ago, so I haven't spent a whole lot of time testing it out as of yet. It's also built to be proxied, so don't worry about cost when giving suggestions.


Author:  Jman22 [ Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Speed Rounds - Need Input

Your average cube is rather good if you are just doing grid drafts. I don't think 5 color slivers is a good idea, but it might work. you need to run all the lands that make prismatic mana though.

Author:  squinty_eyes [ Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Speed Rounds - Need Input

Grid drafts?


Author:  Jman22 [ Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Speed Rounds - Need Input

It is a good way to draft for two players. You make twenty (or so?) packs of nine cards each.

Take the pack, place the cards randomly in a 3x3 grid. Player A can chose a row or column (not diagonal). Then Player B can choose a row or column from the remaining cards. The rest are discarded. Next pack, Player B chooses first. Alternate who picks first each pack. Players are allowed to pick rows or columns of two cards.

Author:  squinty_eyes [ Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Speed Rounds - Need Input

Huh, that's an interesting way of doing it, never drafted that way before.


Author:  Jman22 [ Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Speed Rounds - Need Input

Huh, that's an interesting way of doing it, never drafted that way before.


Yeah, once you own a cube you try to find as many ways as possible to play it.

The only downside with Grid drafting is that if your cube has certain archetypes (Reanimator and Tinker come to mind) that require very specific cards to work, it can be difficult to play those. The man is often trickier to get, and decks tend to be more multicolor.

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