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[draft report] Farewell to Dragons
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Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  [draft report] Farewell to Dragons

The time is almost upon us virtual Magicians: Origins online prerelease starts tomorrow. I had some time on my hands today, and decided to crack my DDF boosters in a last draft of this format, at least for a while. For those of you that enjoy this kind of thing (I do), here is your chance to draft from my seat:
the adventure

I recommend laying out the physical/virtual cards, as just going from memory can be overwhelming. Not that this one was overly complicated. Here is what I did:
my draft

So, deckbuilding. Let's see what I can do. Seems like some hard cuts will be necessary.
the deck

The games were not really memorable. Just a quick recap.
the matches

Author:  Zenbitz [ Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [draft report] Farewell to Dragons

I looked at the first couple picked and got reminded that I am happy to let this set go.

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