I don't really see what's the issue with Hellbent. Aggressive decks generally end up without cards in their hands anyway. Turns out, Rakdos is the aggressive color combo. There really wasn't a downside to the mechanic, beyond you having more limited options. I also don't really remember a sweeper in Ravnica block to punish you for going Hellbent, but its been a while. I think the issue is that Wizards was a little conservative with creatures still in Ravnica, and Hellbent creatures didn't really give enough of a boost considering the fact you had to actually GO hellbent to get the bonus, which is a very heavy drawback in Constructed.
I also remember RUG being the best color combo, and that you always drafted Karoo lands in the format. So there WAS that. The format ended up being really slow.
Every color was good in RGD. you jam signets and karoos and then you ramp out things that cost six mana and they feel bad.
I just remember RUG having the best big things. Grrul Monsters + Simic Sky Swallower. And the Assault Zeppelin.