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 Post subject: Re: [EMN] Draft
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 2:46 pm 
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Joined: Sep 23, 2013
Posts: 7260
Had a bit of a draft frenzy this weekend to chew through some of my unused packs.

I don't have deck lists, but some ancedotes.

Friday night at the "weaker" LGS (they let you bring your own packs) I (per usual) picked a couple red cards high (P1P1 lashweed lurker), then switched, into black.
Played UBg splashing for Lurker and Altered Ego. Deck was pretty solid, had like 3 boons.
Barely one a long match 1 where we both missed lethal at least twice in a long game 1.

So, opponent is at low life, and I have Cryptolith Fragment. I don't block a 4 power attack dropping me to 10. If I just stay above 10 I can just drain him out, but he ended up with a 4/4 lifelinking flier (paladin + gryff's boon). But I don't so I flip and attacked for lethal with a 2/2 skulk, discard to make 2/2 flier and Aurora of Emurkul with opponent having 1 2/2 flier and 6 life.

Opp. flashed in Drokskol Shieldmate, which made his Sage of Ancient Lore into 2/3. Leaving him with 3 2/3s., so he went to 2. I had a bunch of other guys so I think had I just alpha'd he'd be dead.

This was all super sloppy because I was sure I "couldn't lose this game". Then he plays Lunarch Mantle, but puts it on his paladin instead of his Sage and just killing me. Finally, I swing back next turn and all he has to do is not block with fliers and he kills me on the crack back. He blocks with fliers. From then I played tighter and got him. Game 2 I won pretty easily but when to turns.

match 2 I lost to B/R 1-drops. Ha, ha, EMN, Ha, Ha. Game 1 I couldn't beat Bloodhall Priest in time and Game 2 I got stuck on 3 with a hand full of 4s. Opp (who had never seen the set) THEN realizes that Stensia Masquerade and Dissention in the Ranks are unplayable garbage (he drew them in "funsies" game 3, which I won). Round 3 was pretty tough vs. spirits but got there.

On sunday we ripped through 42 packs (I kept all cards). First draft I pick 2 read, then go black, then pick a blue card, then go hard into green. Pack 2 is all green. Pack 2 I open Sorin and end up playing Gbrw (10/5/1/1 with 2 Loam Dryad, Wild-Field Scarecrow and a Fork in the Road. splashing for Sorin and Spreading Flames. Won match 1, Lost match 2 to UW fliers (even after switching R for B and running Savage Alliance and Incediary Flow for Scavengers and 1/1 deathtouch rats. Deck was cool, but removal light. All 3 scarecrows made the cut! Won round 3 I think (we weren't really keeping careful track).

I did manage to lose a game in which I Season's Past to draw _6_ cards including Sorin. I had 3 mana left to play 1/1 rats and 2/1 werewolf as blockers and died from 12 to Savage Alliance plus Blood Mist. I think I win here if I hold another 4/6 back. He top decked blood mist earlier which forced me to use Sorin as a ~1 for 1.

2nd draft I finally got my red deck, 2 clear shot, bunch of combat tricks, 2 Noose constrictor, 3 brazen wolves. Got a bye, then crushed, then lost round 3 to delirium (I passed an Ishakanh over 2nd clear shot pack 2). Game 1 he got Ulvenwald Mysteries + Graf Mole on line, and I couldn't kill Graf Mole enough times (he gained maybe 12?) At one point was down to 2 with me having Thermo-Alchemist. I did manage to haste out Alchemist with Hanaweir Battlements for value ping!.

"Everything looks good when your opponent passes 4 turns in a row" -- rstnme
"Something that does not look good when your opponent does nothing is not a thing" -- me

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