Meh. Pick it and don't play it. I know it enables splashes and finds the lands, but so far, we have a single win condition, and milling that is simply gg.
just because we only have one bomb doesn't mean we only have one route to victory
pick the wayfinder, maybe play it depending on what our curve looks like. we have a few 2-drops already so I'm not sure we want it, but mana consistency is nice when you have so many 5 drops. (so far we have 4 5-drops I'd like to play.)
What I meant is, when you have a deck with lots of interchangeable pieces, you don't mind playing the Wayfinder. When one of your cards is much better than the others, you hope you won't have to play him.
let's say you have 30 cards left. if Ajani is in the top 4, Wayfinder mills him. but if he's in any of the other 26, Wayfinder actually gets you closer to him. so in roughly 87% of cases, Wayfinder is helping you get your Ajani, not hurting your ability to get him.
of course, that's not a good way to look at it either. because in both cases you're assuming that, wherever he was, you were going to draw him eventually. that is not true. let's say, over the course of the game, you will draw 20 cards. (the exact number is irrelevant) if you don't play wayfinder, you will draw the top 20 cards of your deck, giving you a 50% chance of seeing Ajani that game. if you do play wayfinder (say, after drawing 8 cards) you will draw the top 8, skip 4, (I'm ignoring the land he gets you because it can never be Ajani) and then draw 12 more. you will still have a 50% chance of drawing Ajani in that set of 20, because you lost 4 cards you would've drawn, but gained four cards you would've otherwise never seen. the fact that you're more sad when you mill the Ajani than you are when it's sitting just past where you get to, or you draw it too late, doesn't change the statistics, and the statistics say playing Wayfinder, on average, has no impact on your ability to draw Ajani. all it does is give you a land.