They did a really good job crafting this draft format. I've yet to win (or lose) a game based on time. Every other draft I've played online I've been able to squeeze out a victory here or there by running down the timer.
This always seems like you can, but something throws it at the last minute. I've been taken from 40 life to 0 in the last 2 minutes of the game.
That looks like it was hard to pair down. I can see some justification for
Timely Hordemate, especially with Rush, but I think something else would have been better main deck based on how few 1/2 drops you have to recur. It probably would have been worth putting the Twins in there based on their interaction with High Sentinels and your various pumps/combat tricks.
Spoils is amazing in token swarm deck...its pretty much an anthem that has a marginal bonus ability. Turns all your guys into pikers and make blocking very tricky, not sure what would have come out for it though, so it's probably better in the board, but Defiant Strike has never been worth the card for me and Spoils grants a permanent +1/+0 and occasional card draw. You had a lot of ways to get a warrior past for the draw and 12 warriors not including the token makers.
Yeah...Spoils should have been in there.